Ms. Feng Shui

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Feng Shui Secrets: Fixing Mistakes for Better Feng Shui in the Home

Your home should be your sanctuary. It is a place to escape the daily grind that life brings and relax while spending time with family in a positive space with positive energy. If this is not the case and the only thing you have to look forward to when getting home from work is more conflict, it’s time to make some changes. Did you know it’s possible for Feng Shui challenges in your home to provoke and strengthen the negative energy of arguments. In fact, bad Feng Shui can attract conflict. By knowing the Feng Shui mistakes in your home, you have the power to find solutions to help calm and balance the energy. Read on to learn more about common Feng Shui mistakes and tips on how to fix them.

Negative Outside Feng Shui: Before you even enter your home, the Feng Shui energy outside your home is important for many reasons. Think of this as the area where the energy which flows into your home comes from. You want it to be vibrant, healthy energy coming in, so it’s important to keep it clutter-free and looking nice. Keep the plants, trees, and grass trimmed and neat. If you’d like to learn more about outside Feng Shui check out our blog titled, The Importance of Home Maintenance in Feng Shui.

Clearing the Negative Energy from Your Space: Avoid keeping the negative energy brought on by negative experiences, or a bad history in a home, by clearing the energy. This is a Feng Shui must, whether you do it before moving in, once a week, or once a month. The good news is there are so many ways to make this happen from clearing the clutter, to burning incense, to opening the windows. Every blog I write has something to teach about keeping the positive energy, but here are a couple to start: Five Tips to Invigorate Your Space Today and Fragrant Feng Shui.

Feng Shui Problems in the Entryway: A lot like the outside, the main entryway of your home determines the quality of energy that comes in. We’re going for bringing in vibrant, fun, healthy, and nourishing energy. The entryway is important for good Feng Shui. It should be neat, clean, and clutter-free. You know how the whole family’s shoes are piled near the door? This is the clutter we’re talking about. Need more tips about decluttering your space? Check out this blog, Declutter to Feng Shui Your Space!

Give the Basement, Garage, and Attic Some Much Needed TLC: Speaking of clearing the clutter, check the basement, garage, and attic while you’re at it! Just because you don’t spend a lot of time in these areas doesn’t mean they can’t affect your Feng Shui. Read our blog, mentioned above, on decluttering and get to work. You’ll be amazed at what a huge difference it makes on your inner state of mind.

Chaos in the Bedroom: This is a cause of sleepless nights for sure. Everything makes a difference: from bedroom decor, to electronics, to having plants in the room where you sleep. Everyone knows the price of sleepless nights on your energy, work, attitude, and many other things. Simply put, sleep is critical and having the tools to Feng Shui Your Sleep is just as important.

Common Mistakes in the Bagua Areas

In Feng Shui, the Bagua is a sort of energy map of your space. So, specific areas of your home are connected to specific areas of your life. If you’ve never looked at a Bagua map before, now’s a great time. You can read all about the Bagua on my website. The following is a list of some common mistakes in certain bagua areas of the home.

A Stressed-Out Love Area: In the Feng Shui Bagua there is an area associated with the energy of love and relationships. Like all areas of your home, the love and relationship area needs to be treated well with the right colors, materials, and images. Learn more about the Love & Relationship Corner and start reaping the rewards of strong relationships.

A Non-Existent Money Area: Wondering why you’re always broke and have a hard time keeping your finances in order? Taking care of the Feng Shui in this area of the Bagua can greatly enhance your financial future. Want to know more about this area? Learn more about the Wealth & Prosperity Corner.

An Unhealthy Health Area: Right at the center of the Bagua map, and touching every other area of the home, is the Health Area. The well-being of you and your family is connected to the state of energy in this area. The last thing you want here is the heavy, stagnant energy that clutter holds. Learn how to create vibrant energy in this space by reading our blog, Health: Live Life Without Sickness or read about the Health Area of the bagua.

While there can be many mistakes made in the Feng Shui in our homes, there are even more solutions. My website and blog are packed full of helpful hints and Feng Shui tips. It’s time to make a change, for the better, in the energy of your space. It may seem overwhelming at first, but by doing a little bit at a time it won’t seem so daunting. You will love the results. If needed, I am more than happy to help with in home or office consultations. Contact me today!

Next Steps

If you need guidance on how to improve your space and your life, I’m always available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual or in-person consultation. Better Feng Shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Know someone who needs to Feng Shui their space? Share this post with them on Facebook!

Fertility Feng Shui

Have you been trying to conceive for a while but still have no bun in the oven? It may surprise you that it could have something to do with the Feng Shui energy in your home. Feng Shui can help you create a more balanced and relaxed environment for conception. When trying to conceive, two things should always be addressed: the couple and the home. Read on to find out how you can harness and direct the chi in your home to help you create your new bundle of joy.

Improving Fertility Feng Shui in the Home

The first place you can look to improve your fertility Feng Shui is right outside your front door! In Feng Shui, the door is considered the “mouth of chi,” so it’s where all of the energy enters the home. This is why it’s important to make sure there is open space here, meaning there’s nothing in the direct line with your front door such as a tree, car, or other object. It’s also important to avoid plant overgrowth in this area. Think about allowing fresh, healthy energy to enter and flow throughout your home.

The next place to focus on is the Children & Creativity Area of the home. Using elements to activate this part of your home, which is located at the center/right portion of your home’s floor plan, can help. These elements include: The shape of a circle, a metal element, white and/or metallic colors, as well as accessories representing mothers, babies & children, and families. An example of this might be to get a circle-shaped metal frame, paint it in a metallic color and use it to display a picture of a happy family.

Bump That Bed

We have great news! There’s a lot you can do in your marital bedroom to help with your fertility Feng Shui. Before doing anything else, though, we recommend cleaning and clearing the clutter first. Want to know the Feng Shui gold standard for improving your conception chances in the bedroom? Shifting the bed a bit to the left or right. That’s simple enough right? While you’re working on the bed, it’s also a good idea to flip the mattress over.


Get that vacuuming under the bed out of the way now… and then hold off during the time you’re trying to conceive, throughout the pregnancy and even a few weeks after the baby is born. While cleaning now, it’s a good idea to remove any items unrelated to rest and romance from the room. This includes exercise equipment, televisions, and work objects such as computers. Doing this will create a more fertility-friendly space where romance can be nurtured.

Don’t forget to address the problem areas such as overcrowded closets or cluttered rooms. Cleaning will help allow new fertile, creative energy to enter your life. Once everything is clean, give yourself a pat on the back! You’ve just helped increase your chances of conception. Yay!

The Relationship Corner

Oooo La La! It’s time to talk about pointers for creating a healthy and romantic Relationship Corner in the bedroom. From the doorway, take a closer look at the far right corner of the room, as this is the Relationship Corner. Focus on this area is suggested for optimal fertility Feng Shui chi. You can help to activate this area with several things that might help. These include items that represent romance to the couple, the color red, the shape of a square and an Earth element (such as a vase). Whenever possible, try to use items in pairs, such as two of the same lamps, pillows, etc.


In Feng Shui, colors are important, and it’s no different in the bedroom. For instance, sleeping on green sheets will help remove any energy blockages and heal any disease or ailment that may be preventing conception from occurring. It’s also believed that green sheets will allow for a healthy pregnancy to implant.

Painting the wall behind the marital bed yellow can also help in conception efforts. The colors yellow and orange are most associated with fertility in Feng Shui since these are the colors of children’s energy. Only a bit of yellow and orange will do since they are is also stimulating colors that can prevent rest if overused.

If this seems like too many colors, just focus on one or two. Another way to approach it might be to use touches of these colors, like green sheets with corresponding pillows that have some yellow and orange in them, or green sheets with a piece of framed artwork (in a square frame) of a happy family that has orange and yellow tied in somehow. Perhaps use a metal frame with baby chicks. There are so many ways to make Feng Shui doable for you.


The use of symbols is another important element of Feng Shui. There are lots of different symbols you can represent in the bedroom. It’s important to choose just one or two that you might have in your home already or that stand out for you, and focus on those. In other words, you don’t need to feel overwhelmed and get one of every symbol related to fertility. It’s all about creating the perfect energy and surrounding yourself with things that relate best to you or that you love.

Next Steps

There are so many ways to make your bedroom a romantic, fertility-friendly space. I have given you a lot of ideas to add to your fertility Feng Shui tool box. Take the ideas that are both doable and meaningful for you, and put them to work in your home. The ultimate goal is to use Feng Shui to create a positive environment in which miracles can occur. Happy baby-making!

If you need guidance on how to improve your space and your life, I’m always available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a consultation. Better Feng Shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Know someone trying to conceive? Share this post with them on Facebook!

Going to the Chapel? Don’t Forget to Feng Shui Your Wedding

So your beau (or the beau of your friend) has finally popped the question, and you can’t wait to tie the knot! Congratulations! Now, start your new life off right by bringing the positive power of Feng Shui into your wedding day with these tips.

The Color Combos
Colors hold powerful meanings in Feng Shui and will set the mood at your event. They can also reflect the two of you as a couple, so choose wisely.

  • Red: A traditional Chinese wedding color and the right choice if you want to incorporate a strong sense of love and romance into your day.
  • Pink: Pink is the color for you if you are a young couple and you want to bring out the lighthearted playfulness from your guests.
  • Orange: A warm color, perfect for a large guest list, orange will promote conversation as well as a comfortable atmosphere.
  • Yellow: A cheerful hue, yellow is a bright color. It shines like the sun, so if your space is not well lit, find a way to tie it in.
  • Greens and Blues: It is well known that blues and greens promote calming feelings and as such, they are perfect for a wedding of a couple who have known each other a long time or even a second wedding.
  • Purple and Violet: Having a small intimate wedding with close friends and family? Bring out a passionate vibe with purple and/or violet tones.
  • Black and white: You can’t go wrong with the color of the yin and the yang! Black and white represents positive Feng Shui which means a strong and balanced relationship is in your future!

Wedding Wear
When choosing your wedding day attire, think color and fabric. Did you know that white is the color of death and mourning in Chinese and Feng Shui culture? Due to this, it is recommended that if the bride really wants to wear white on her wedding day, go for an off-white shade such as beige, ivory or even gold.

Just as important as the colors that you incorporate into your day are the fabrics you choose in your wedding wear. Focusing on the balance of the yin and the yang, the heavy fabrics represent the yin and the light fabrics represent the yang. It’s important to have a balance of both in your attire. Some light, excitable fabrics include chiffon, organza, and tulle. For the heavy fabrics, try and choose fabrics that carry a quiet energy like satin, brocade, or shantung.

Something Borrowed, Something Blue
Okay, color is coming up again in our third tip to promote wedding day Feng Shui. Are you starting to see a trend here? Blue is a color that represents peace and serenity, so borrowing something blue for your big day can only bring peace to what can be a stressful event! Do you have a couple in your life that has had a long, happy marriage with a happy family? Try to have your borrowed item come from them. That person’s happy, positive energy just might rub off on you!

The Venue
So you have your color scheme and wedding attire picked out, and you’re ready to search out the perfect venue. Here are a few things to keep in mind. A must have for your Feng Shui checklist is a bright venue with lots of natural light. Bright light = bright future, got it? Overhead lighting can press down on you and your guests, so natural light is where it’s at! Look for a place with plenty of windows, or if going for a more romantic feel, light plenty of candles and add mirrors to expand the light. Oh, and no clocks allowed! You want a timeless union. Finally, ask that the venue to provide an odd number of place settings at each table (an odd number of tables as well). We’re not looking to divide things in two at our reception or in our marriage.

The Departure
The day has been everything you have dreamed about, and now it’s time for the big departure of the new Mr. and Mrs! Don’t forget to incorporate Feng Shui here as well! As you make your getaway have your guests shower you with one of the following symbolic items:

  • Flower petals: Petals, especially rose petals, symbolize love and a new beginning.
  • Grains or beans: Getting showered with these items are an age-old tradition in Chinese weddings. They symbolize prosperity and fertility to have a family. By the way, it turns out that the rumor regarding the ill effects of rice on birds is absolutely false. I guess the lesson here is not to listen to every old wives’ tale.
  • Bubbles: Expanding bubbles in water symbolizes your wealth growing like bubbles.

You’ve finally made it through the crowds and the grain and/or bean shower and climb into, wait for it, a black limo. Remember what we said about white? It represents death and mourning, and you don’t want that on this day. The color black symbolizes a stable foundation that every marriage, especially yours, should start with. Inside the limo, hang a mirror from the back or a crystal from the rearview mirror to ward off darkness and help create a bright new beginning.

Registry Tips
When registering for gifts, stay away from anything that cuts or divides, such as knives or scissors. You don’t want anything that will cut your beautiful, marriage into pieces! Register for gifts in odd numbers, as you don’t want your household items to be easily divided in halves later. Also, no clocks or watches as gifts, just like the day of the ceremony, you don’t want your relationship to “run out of time”.

Congratulations, and here’s to positivity and good fortune on your special day and forever loving marriage!

Next Steps

Feng Shui for love and relationships doesn’t stop when you’re married.  Learn about the Love & Marriage Corner of your home to not only attract it, but to enhance it.  In addition, if you’re thinking of starting a family, learn about the Children & Fertility Area and the Family Area of your home.

If you are interested in improving your life through Feng Shui, I can help.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Know of someone who is engaged and needs to incorporate Feng Shui into their wedding plans? Share this post with them on Facebook!

5 Feng Shui Tips to Invigorate Your Space Today

Do you love being home? Oftentimes, our homes are a reflection of who we are, but not many people realize that your surroundings can affect your energy, your mood, and even your luck.

Feng Shui is a system of harmonizing with your surroundings. Rather than relying solely on style, Feng Shui focuses on matching your home with your intentions. It’s all about giving a positive energy boost to you and the areas where you spend most of your time.

Here are five easy and effective tips to breathe new life into your space and help you feel fresh and energetic at home.

1. Have a Clear Purpose
Know what you want from life. See it, feel it, and know that it will come to be with a little hard work. Being completely open to what the universe has in store for you and seeing everything as a potential opportunity for personal success is key to achieving positive chi or energy in your home or personal space. Positive energy flow is what Feng Shui is all about.

2. Amplify the Call of Nature
The English translation for Feng Shui is “wind and water” Open those blinds, shades, or curtains and look around you. Listen to the birds sing. Open your windows and breathe in the energy of Mother Nature. In Feng Shui, birds are powerful symbols of new opportunities, abundance and good luck, but that isn’t all. Birds also symbolize love and commitment. With all of these wonderful virtues, why not put a bird feeder or bath outside your window and invite their energy to join you? You can even find what birds you are drawn to and add photos or sculptures of them into your decor.

3. Bring the Outdoors In
Get your green thumbs ready because in Feng Shui, plants represent abundance and wealth. They symbolize growth and health, not to mention they’re beautiful to look at. Caring for and seeing them thrive is invigorating for us as well, and they reciprocate by breathing refreshing energy into our homes. They add moisture to the air and eat toxins. So don’t be afraid to bring some of the outdoors in!

4. Light Force
Have you ever felt energized when walking outdoors on a sunny day? This is because light is the strongest manifestation of energy and can help balance the flow of chi in any space. A dark space will have a lack of life force, while light will give you the positive energy boost you seek. So open up those blinds to let the sunshine in, invest in better, brighter lighting indoors and let the force be with you, always.

5. One Step at a Time
Are you ready to feel the benefits of Feng Shui all around you? It may seem overwhelming, but taking it week by week can make it so much easier. Make one small change each week. Bring in one element, like a plant or water fountain, to help the energy flow in your home. Additionally, things like decluttering your space can make a huge difference on how your home looks and how you feel. That clutter is bogging down your chi energy and your life.

Next Steps

Ready to dive in? What’s one thing you can do right now to starting benefiting from the power of Feng Shui?

Learn more about Feng Shui on my website.

If you are interested in improving your life through Feng Shui, I can help.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Know of someone who needs to invigorate their space? Share this post with them on Facebook!

Feng Shui Tips to Attract Love, Enhance Romance for Valentine’s Day

Feng Shui Love / Relationships / Marriage -Heart

Valentine’s Day is around the corner and with it can come stress often experienced by those who are newly single or in a rocky relationship. Here I offer tips to attract love and enhance romance:

  1. Make Room for Two! Your goal, if single, is to attract a partner, and if in a relationship, is to enhance the romance. With that in mind, look around your home and see if your space allows for another person to join you. Even if you’ve been in a relationship, your space can create an undercurrent of tension that hinders romance. Good Feng Shui can help.
  2. Open Up Some Space… You have to create space for what / who you are trying to attract. You’d be surprised at what your space says about you and your intentions of being single or matched. If you are really trying to attract a significant other, make sure your space communicates this.
  3. Don’t Decorate for One. If your bedroom is screaming “single” with only things for you, then you will keep attracting energy for you only. Do you have pictures and paintings of “single” things? Do you hang pictures of single items such as a single woman? Do you have a single lamp, single chair, single flower? It’s best to have pairs so that you show you are ready to share a life for two. Is your dining table big enough to share a meal with another person or with others such as a family? Create a space with “couple energy,” especially in the bedroom.
  4. Share Your Bed. Make sure one side of the bed isn’t against the wall, as you want to make sure each person can get into the bed from both sides of the bed.
  5. Balance Your Room. Have balance in the room. Do you have matching bedside tables? If they’re not the same size or same style, they will create an unbalanced energy in your love relationship. If one is bigger then the other, one of you will have more power over the other person in that relationship. If they’re not a matching style, maybe your partner and you have different views about your relationship. If you have one candle on a bedside table, add another candle beside it to show balance in the relationship. Show pairs whenever you can.
  6. Give Them a Drawer. Also keep the drawer space clean for your future partner to store their belongings. Even if you don’t have that special person in your life right now, you need to create space for someone. It’s all about being ready and being open to the idea of having a loving partner.
  7. Clean Out Your Closet. Now look in your closet. Is your closet filled with your clothes and shoes leaving no room for your partner to be able to hang their clothes? Clean out your closet and make it inviting so that when the time is right, he or she will feel the welcoming energy.

Next Steps

Learn more about the Love Corner of your home on my website.

If you are interested in improving your life through Feng Shui, I can help.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Know of someone who can’t figure out which Christmas presents to give? Share this post with them on Facebook!

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Feng Shui Your Holiday Gift Giving

Who knew it was bad Feng Shui to give knives as a gift because it signaled cutting the relationship? Or that giving an empty wallet or handbag, even if they’re the latest designer must-haves, signals lack of wealth? Before you buy another thing, check these tips on how to Feng Shui your gift giving this holiday season.

Feng Shui Christmas Wallet with Money

If you’re going to give a wallet, handbag, pretty box or dish as a gift, put something in it such as cash or a picture of gold bricks or diamonds to bring prosperity to the recipient.

As for knives, they’re never a good idea as a gift. If you receive a gift of knives, you should immediately give a coin to the person who gave them to you so that you’re symbolically buying the gift and neutralizing its effects. I’ve seen and heard stories of relationships going sour after a gift of knives entered the picture.

Wind chimes make an excellent gift since they give off positive energy wherever they’re placed.

Live plants with rounded leaves in red pots symbolize prosperity and are a simple, economical and excellent gift to give for the holidays.

Avoid the temptation to give watches, even smart watches. Timepieces signal that time is running out and the recipient has a limited life span. That’s definitely not a message you want to convey.

Feng Shui Christmas Gold Purse

For a special friend or romantic partner, give precious stones, such as diamonds or sapphires, for health and longevity. After all, who doesn’t want a beautiful precious stone as a holiday gift? A more affordable gift that’s fun and powerful is a red box filled with coins or a red envelope filled with cash that the recipient can put under their bed to bring prosperity and wealth into the New Year.

When giving plants, stay away from spiky plants, roses that have not been de-thorned, or any plants that can ‘pierce’ the relationship. A rose with a smooth stem shows the relationship is friction free and is okay to give.

Good professional gifts include wine, which is a symbol of prosperity, or champagne, which is a symbol of celebration. Sweet fruits and desserts, which are symbols of a sweet life, also make excellent gifts.

No matter what holiday gift you’re giving, wrapping makes all the difference because the first impression sets the tone and influences the experience for the receiver. Red is a color of power & fame and gold symbolizes wealth & prosperity, so wrap gifts using paper and ribbon with those colors.

Even if the recipient knows nothing about Feng Shui, it shows them they’re important to you because you took the time to wrap their gift in beautiful, elegant colors. It shows respect.

And if you bought any of the gifts on the bad Feng Shui list, there’s always time to take them back and get something else. Happy shopping and happy holidays!

Next Steps

Learn more about Feng Shui on my website.

If you are interested in improving your life through Feng Shui, I can help.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Know of someone who can’t figure out which Christmas presents to give? Share this post with them on Facebook!

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

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