Ms. Feng Shui

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5 Feng Shui Tips for Career Success

Feng shui is a Chinese philosophy that focuses on creating balance and harmony in our surroundings. While it’s often associated with the home, feng shui principles can also be applied to our careers to help bring success and prosperity. Here are five feng shui tips that you can use to enhance your career:

  1. Choose the right office location. The location of your office can have a major impact on your career success. In feng shui, it’s important to choose an office location that has a good view of the office door but not directly in line with the door or have you back to it.
  2. Organize your workspace. Clutter and disorganization can block the flow of energy and hinder your career success. Take the time to declutter and organize your workspace, and make sure to keep your desk clean and free from clutter.
  3. Bring in positive energy. Incorporating elements such as plants, crystals, and images of water can help to bring positive energy into your workspace. This can help to boost your productivity and create a sense of balance and harmony.
  4. Use the right colors. Certain colors are believed to have different energies and associations in feng shui. For example, red is associated with ambition and success, while blue is associated with calm and clarity. Choosing the right colors for your workspace can help to enhance your career success.
  5. Use the right symbols. Symbols such as the feng shui wealth ship, ingot, and dragon can be used to bring prosperity and success to your career. You can incorporate these or other symbols into your workspace through artwork, figurines, or other decorative elements that you personally connect with as a success symbol.

By following these feng shui tips, you can enhance your career success and bring balance and prosperity to your professional life. Whether you’re looking to get ahead in your current job or start a new career, feng shui can be a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals. Take a deeper dive by learning about the Career Area of the Bagua.

If you need guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m always available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better Feng Shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Home Buying Checklist for Good Feng Shui

When the real estate market was hot, it was difficult to even get an offer in on a home, let alone be picky enough to win a bidding war for a home with good Feng Shui. With interest rates and home inventory on the rise, it’s no longer a great time to sell a home. But that’s a good thing if you’re looking to buy a home with great Feng Shui.

When I work with home builders, I advise against site plans that include cul-de-sacs, T-intersections, overhead power lines, and other Feng Shui no-no’s, especially in Feng Shui aware areas. If home builders don’t take my advice, they are often forced to significantly reduce pricing to unload their homes with bad Feng Shui. But there are several homes already on the market and we need to know which ones have good Feng Shui and which ones have bad Feng Shui.

If you’re not a believer in Feng Shui, that’s fine. Please note, however, that most of the Feng Shui suggestions I provide also have more modern and practical reasoning. Besides, if you ever intend to eventually sell a home with good Feng Shui, it’s likely to sell faster and for more money than homes with bad Feng Shui. You like money, don’t you?

The following checklist will help if you’re looking to buy or build a home and you don’t want to compromise on harmony and balance. However, this is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all that is good or bad in Feng Shui. Avoiding homes that don’t keep with the checklist below is your best option because such home issues are difficult to remedy. If I didn’t list an issue, that probably means it is relatively easy to cure later during an individualized Feng Shui consultation. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Home Location

No Corner Lot: While a corner lot home may come with a little extra land, they also provide bad Feng Shui. An overwhelming amount of energy inundates corner lot homes, so they should be avoided at all costs. From a practical sense, corner lot homes also have more disturbances like car and foot traffic. More info…

No T-Intersection: Overwhelming energy is also an issue for homes at a T-intersection, especially those at the top of the T. You’ll notice also that such homes often have concrete blocks along their sidewalks because sometimes cars end up mistakenly driving right into the house. Avoid homes at a T-intersection. More info…

While any home on a cul-de-sac is bad Feng Shui, the homes in the red area get the fastest moving negative Chi.

No Cul-de-sac: The idea of neighborhood kids playing street hockey at the cul-de-sac can be an enticing reason to buy a home on one. But if you want to avoid potential money and health issues, I will also suggest you avoid buying a home on a cul-de-sac. On a cul-de-sac, energy sweeps through like a vortex while headlights from cars turning in front of the home cause a frequent disturbance. More info…

No EMF Radiation: If you’ve read my blog post on electromagnetic fields (EMF), you’ll know that we should probably avoid sources of electrical energy. Anecdotally, I have found that they disturb sleep. The jury is still out on several studies that may prove more harmful effects of EMF. Have you ever stood under major power lines and heard zapping or humming sounds that they emit? Yeah, I would just completely avoid homes near, and especially under, major power lines, cell towers, and other objects that radiate significant electromagnet fields that you can measure at the house. More info…

No Cliffs: You should not have a home at the top of a cliff, whether it is at the front or back of your home. While the view might be amazing, you just won’t get the positive energy you need. It would be better to have a home that backs up to a hill that is higher than your home, as this helps capture the flow of any energy headed your way. Just make sure there aren’t any loose rocks up there!

No Large Bodies of Water: Avoid large bodies of water behind your home as this will douse the Fame & Reputation Area of the home. Having a view of the lake or ocean in front of your home, however, is just fine because it supports your Career Area. Just don’t be right along the shoreline because that energy can be overwhelming.

Not Below Street Level: The vertical location of the base of the home compared to the street level is rather important in Feng Shui. The best scenario is if the bottom of the home is a little higher than the street level. We want to avoid homes that are lower than the street level because career opportunities will pass over you and because those homes are more prone to flooding.

Front Door Visible From Street: The front door should be clearly visible from the street so that positive energy can flow to your home. Objects like large trees would block visibility from the street and would therefore block energy coming into your home. If there is a small tree, see if there are any rules that would prevent you from moving it. More info…

Front Door Doesn’t Face Neighbors’ Doors: To avoid confrontations with your neighbors, make sure that your front door does not directly face any of your neighbors’ doors.

Home Shape Aligns with Bagua

Rectangular Shape: I only suggest homes that have a top-down view of the home that is generally rectangular in shape so that it can match with the Feng Shui Bagua. Otherwise, I would avoid purchasing it. More info…

Front Door Location: Make sure that the front door is aligned with the outside edge of the rectangular outline of the home. Avoid homes where the front door is recessed in much. Any parts of the home hanging out beyond the door will be outside of your Bagua.

No Missing Sections: If there is a significant section of the rectangle missing (L-shape or C-shape, for instance), you are likely missing an important section of the home’s Bagua, like your Prosperity & Wealth Corner or your Love & Relationships Corner.

No Protrusions: If a section of the home is protruding out (other than just the garage), that area will be outside of your Bagua. Anyone in that space would feel left out and any designated functions in those spaces, such as a home office, may be ineffective.

No Open-Air Courtyards: If you have an open-air courtyard in the middle of your home, you are likely missing an important section of the home’s Bagua for your Health Area.

Inside the Home

No Front & Back Door Alignment: Try to avoid homes where the front door directly lines up with the back door in your sightline because your energy will just flow right out the back. More info…

Front Door Energy Flow: If you don’t want your energy to go down the drain, you do not want to see a bathroom or the kitchen when you open your front door. When you open your door to walk in the home, you should not immediately face stairs, another door, or a wall because you want energy to flow more freely through the downstairs areas.

Bedrooms in Back: In general, all bedrooms should be in the back part of the house. This is especially important for small children in your family. If you want calm, rested children, having them see the street from their bedrooms might be counterproductive. More info…

No Spiral or Grand Staircases: Consider a spiral staircase to be like a corkscrew, harmfully digging into a particular section of the Bagua in the home or office. Because of their often-circular nature, any energy that flows up the left side of a grand staircase just goes right back down the right staircase, completely bypassing much of the second floor of the home. More info…

Next Steps

Make an Offer: Timing is sometimes of the essence when making an offer on a house, but that doesn’t mean you should rush through a purchase without doing your due diligence. Make an offer with an inspection contingency, during which time you can make sure that the house is perfect as a home. More info…

Schedule a Feng Shui Review: Contact me to schedule a review before removing contingencies. This way, we can confirm that there aren’t any other major issues to be concerned with before you commit to the purchase. More info…

The information here is rather thorough. When you’re shopping for a home, here is a printable PDF version of this checklist.

Through my inexpensive Feng Shui Real Estate Review, I have helped thousands of people analyze homes they are looking to potentially buy to make sure they are getting a house with great Feng Shui. I also provide more thorough Feng Shui consultations for recently purchased homes without requiring investment in a bunch of silly trinkets. I can do the same for you with a Feng Shui Video Consultation.

Feng Shui Cures for Unemployment

Let’s be honest: unemployment sucks. Being out of work is stressful and it can be challenging to stay positively motivated while looking for a new job. Feng shui can help to create a better environment so you can better navigate this difficult time.

Here are six feng shui tips I give to my individual consulting clients that have been out of work for a while:

  1. Declutter your space: I can’t stress enough that you need to get rid of clutter because it blocks the flow of positive energy. It’s important to keep your space organized to give you a better feeling of focus. Get rid of items that you no longer use and ensure your space looks well-organized.
  2. Check your doors: Make sure that all doors and cabinets – inside and out – open and close easily. No squeaks or other noises. No cobwebs or dust. Ensure that your front door and the area around it is clean and clutter-free and that you have a clear path from your front door to the street.
  3. Clean your windows: Make sure you can see your opportunities clearly by cleaning your windows. Again, get rid of the dust and cobwebs and make sure the glass itself is adequately clear. If your windows are generally covered, open them up during the day to let in some natural light to improve your mood.
  4. Activate the Career Area: The Career Area of your home or office is located just as you walk through the front door. Again, make sure this area is clean and clutter-free. Because water is the element of the Career Area, you could add a fountain or artwork that shows water calmly flowing in towards the interior of your home.
  5. Practice daily affirmations: Positive affirmations will help you shift your mindset so that you can focus on your goals. Write down your affirmations that relate to your job search, such as “I am confident and capable in my job search” or “I am open to receiving new opportunities.” Read them aloud to yourself twice daily.
  6. De-clutter your friends: The people around you can have a significant impact on your job search and career success. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family that will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. If you’re having trouble here, you may want to de-clutter your friends.

Feng shui can be a helpful tool to support your job search and create a positive environment. Follow the above steps so you can create an energy flow that supports your success and well-being. Good luck on your career journey!

If you need more specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui. Contact me today!

How to Feng Shui Your Bathroom

The bathroom is often overlooked when it comes to feng shui, but it’s an important space in the home that can greatly impact your energy and well-being.

Historically, homes didn’t have indoor bathrooms because there was no indoor plumbing. Try as I might with my home builder clients, there’s no avoiding indoor bathrooms now. If we don’t feng shui them appropriately, positive energy called chi could be drained, causing problems with your health, finances, career, etc.

Here are some tips to feng shui your bathroom:

  1. Choose the right colors. Select a color scheme appropriate to the section of the Bagua where your bathroom is located. There’s no need to paint the whole bathroom – simply accenting the area with décor should be fine.
  2. Use natural elements & shapes. Incorporate elements and shapes appropriate to the Gua where your bathroom is located.
  3. Use soft lighting. Bright lighting can be stressful, so it’s best to use soft, indirect lighting in the bathroom whenever possible to create a soothing space. You can use dimmable lighting and vanity mirrors with focused lighting when necessary.
  4. Keep the bathroom clean and clutter-free. Clutter can create a sense of chaos. It disrupts the flow of energy, so it’s important to keep the bathroom clean and organized.
  5. Choose comfortable and relaxing materials. The materials you use in your bathroom can have a big impact on the energy of the space. Plush towels and rugs can create a sense of relaxation and comfort. Avoid hard, cold materials such as marble or concrete that can feel uninviting.
  6. Add the element of fun. Be creative and have fun when decorating your bathroom space. All of the energy coming into your bathroom is designed to go down the drain. Counteract that by creating an uplifting environment.
  7. Redden the drains. Wrap red duct tape or string around drains in the bathroom or even paint them red if they’re hidden by a cabinet. Doing so slows down chi energy that is escaping your home through the drains.
  8. Use bagua mirrors. Further slow escaping chi by reflecting it back up your drains with a flat bagua mirror placed underneath each drain.

Follow these tips and use the principles of feng shui in your bathroom design to improve your energy flow and stop the loss of uplifting energy in your home.

If you need more specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui. Contact me today!

Choosing the Perfect Business Location with Feng Shui

Thinking of starting a new business? Talk about exciting and scary at the same time! Well, choosing the right location for your new venture is serious business. And feng shui can help!

Location, location, location is not only important for real estate, but also where to place your business. Here are five feng shui tips that I often give to my business clients to help them choose the perfect location for their business:

  1. Consider the main entrance. In feng shui, the main entrance of a building is where feng shui energy and your prosperity flows in. To attract positive energy, it’s best to locate the main entrance in a way that is good for your business. As a fairly obvious example, you’d want a retail store’s main entrance to be in an area with lots of foot traffic rather than hidden in a back alley. The main entrance of a therapist’s office, on the other hand, should be a little more discreet, though not hard to find.
  2. Look for a location with good energy. Find a location with good energy by looking for a place that is well-ventilated and has plenty of natural light. Look at locations near sources of positive energy, like parks and bodies of water. Avoid locations that are located near negative elements, such as busy highways, cemeteries, hospitals, or areas that seem disorganized.
  3. Choose the right building shape. The shape of a building in feng shui is important because it can affect the flow of energy. For example, square or rectangular buildings are considered stable and grounding, while round or oval-shaped buildings are thought to promote creativity and flexibility. Choose a building shape that aligns with the goals and values of your business.
  4. Pick your numbers carefully. In feng shui, address and unit numbers have a symbolic meaning that can affect the energy of a location. For example, the number 8 is considered lucky and is often associated with abundance and prosperity. On the other hand, the number 4 is considered so unlucky in feng shui that most buildings in Asia skip the 4th floor. The numbers in your address should align with your business goals.
  5. Look for the right elements. The surroundings of and the materials used in the construction of your building are quite important to the success of your business. Understand the Five Elements and their meanings. Then, look at the elements around your prospective building’s location (bodies of water, trees, etc.) and the construction/elements already in your building (steel, wood, fireplaces, etc.). You’ll want to complement and balance what already exists there with appropriate elements in your tenant improvements and interior design while slightly favoring the element(s) that most aligns with your business goals.

Choosing the right location for your new venture is serious business! We haven’t even talked about your logo, yet, have we? While we’re at it, don’t forget to put some feng shui focus on your personal career path.

If you need more specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui. Contact me today!

2018 Year of the Earth Dog

What will my year be like?  What is my fortune for 2018? Will I find love, wealth and a better job in 2018?

By Jessie Kim

On February 16th, those who celebrate the Chinese New Year will be welcoming in the Year of the Earth Dog. This promises to be an eventful year in which many will take a stand to help empower the universal values of dialogue and solidarity, both of which are characteristic traits of the dog sign. In society, this year could bring the rise of socially conservative movements within society. It will be important to avoid unnecessary conflicts and preserve karmic balance this year by showing empathy and tolerance towards all you encounter.

The Year of the Earth Dog will be dominated by the Earth element in its yang form which makes it a good year for lifestyle changes and to start new business ventures. For those whose Earth element is predominant, it will be a stable year which will inspire a more organized personal and professional life. Fire and metal are the secondary forces to the Earth dog which makes this a creative cycle. This creative cycle of Fire, Earth, and Metal means that those who choose honesty and fairness in their business ventures could see abundant wealth in 2018.

Read on for your personal 2018 fortune…

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