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Consumer Reports: Feng Shui Tips for Every Room in Your Home

I was just sourced for an article in Consumer Reports about feng shui. Here it is:

Feng Shui Tips for Every Room in Your Home

How to channel positive energy throughout your home and reinvigorate your life

By Perry Santanachote

It’s springtime, finally! For many people, that also means it’s time for spring cleaning. But if you haven’t already, consider also applying feng shui principles to your home. You don’t need to buy anything—all it requires is an intentional approach to your surroundings.

Feng shui (pronounced fung shway) is an ancient Chinese discipline that literally translates to “wind water” and focuses on how to optimize the flow of positive energy—known as qi (pronounced chee)—in your home. “It’s basically considering how energy flows through your house as water or air naturally would,” says Jessie Kim, a feng shui consultant in California. “You want your home to be a space where you can relax and retreat, and feng shui is all about creating that space to make you feel recharged and rejuvenated so you can tackle the world the next day.”

The theory of feng shui is that the layout of a home and the placement of objects can maximize energy flow and improve your health, prosperity, and luck. But it’s also about balance. Master Pun-Yin, a feng shui consultant in New York, says that in order to increase the flow of qi, the five elements—water, earth, fire, wood, and metal—need to be in balance with each other. Think of it like a yin-yang quality, but five ways. 

  • Water is tied to intuition, sensitivity, fluctuation, and the flow of emotions.
  • Earth represents practicality, stability, conservatism, and responsibility.
  • Fire is associated with action, passion, ambition, and courage. 
  • Wood symbolizes organization, growth, persistence, and creativity.
  • Metal assists with confidence, creativity, materialism, and making friends. 

“You might realize something is off if you’re lacking clarity, motivation, serenity, or success in life,” says Pun-Yin. A feng shui consultation can offer more personalized insights, she says, incorporating Chinese astrology and an individual’s inherent five-element profile, but a good starting point is to follow some general rules. 

Make Feng Shui Work for You

Talismans, such as dragons, tortoises, and laughing Buddhas, are associated with the commercialization of feng shui and are not necessary. “Unless you get to the root of the energy imbalance within your mind and your space, no crystals or tacky trinkets can alter your destiny,” says Pun-Yin.

“Just because you read somewhere that a golden toad is a great thing to have for prosperity, don’t have one in your home if you don’t like frogs,” says Kim. “Feng shui has to work for your personality and your décor. Creating a good feng shui space doesn’t mean it has to look like a Chinese restaurant exploded in your house.”

The things in your home should mean something to you (they should spark joy) and represent where you want to be in your life—kind of like dressing for the job you want. Some things from your past are fine to display, but don’t let them take over your space. “Be intentional about what you put inside your home and relentless with getting rid of junk,” says Kim. “Looking forward to the future will keep you growing as a person.”

Create Energy Pathways

Think of energy going through your home like a wind current or water stream. Look for potential blockages and leakages. One major leakage would be a front door that lines up with the back door. “You don’t want energy coming in the front door and immediately draining into the backyard,” says Kim. “You want that energy to meander through the house and refuel people living in it before making its exit.” Room dividers, bookcases, and tall plants are all great ways to divide up a room and create clear energy pathways.

Also, open the windows at least once a day to let in fresh air. “Make sure you get good circulation going,” says Kim. “Air conditioners, fans, and air purifiers are fine, but fresh air is better. And don’t let these appliances overrun your space or get in the way. Make sure they’re not blowing directly at you when you’re sitting or sleeping, too. It weakens your energy.”

Feng Shui Tips for the Entryway

Make an Entrance
Level up your front door, especially if you live in a condo or apartment building where yours is one of many. Kim says to make your door stand out so it attracts good energy by hanging a wreath or setting out a fun door mat. If your homeowners association doesn’t allow any fun, at least wash your door, making it cleaner and shinier than your neighbors, and make sure the numbers are clearly marked. “If people and qi can’t find you, it’s like good opportunities passing you by,” says Kim.

The front door is the energy portal to your home, says Kim. Proper entranceway feng shui will make it feel welcoming. Make sure the area is clean and clutter-free, as in no pile of shoes or packages. 

Set the Tone
The first thing you see when you open the door sets the tone for the entire home, so have pleasing objects on the major meridian positions to welcome you home with warmth and comfort, says Pun-Yin. These positions include the wall facing the entry, the corner diagonal to the entry, and the end of the hallway. 

Feng Shui Tips for the Kitchen

Safeguard the Stove
Kitchens are seen as the prosperity and health hub of the house. “You fuel yourself and your family in the kitchen, so you want to make sure your flame—in this case, the stove—is protected,” says Kim. “An open window or doorway next to a gas stove weakens the flame, and that’s less energy going into your food.” For the same reasons, you also want to keep your stove clean and in good condition.

Feature Fruit
Place a bowl of fruit in the middle of your kitchen island or dining table to attract prosperity and health energy to that space, says Kim.

Coordinate Your Cookware
Having cookware and small kitchen appliances in coordinated colors or textures tie together and ground the kitchen’s energy field, says Pun-Yin.

Feng Shui Tips for the Living Room

Rethink Your Seating Arrangement
Each room has a commanding position, which is essentially an anchor point that allows you to control the energy in the room. It’s always farthest from the door but not in line with it, so you should be able to see who’s coming without being able to see directly out the door. Your sofa and main chairs should be in this commanding position, says Kim. You want to avoid configuring seating that forces people to have their backs to the door. 

Soften the Edges
Remove anything with sharp edges or shiny surfaces that instantly get fingerprints and smudges on them. “The idea is to make this room soft, comfortable, and welcoming to your family and guests,” says Kim. “Make it conducive for people to gather, not like a sterile museum.”

Clear off the Coffee Table
A clutter-free coffee table is ideal, but if that’s unavoidable, Pun-Yin says to at least include something that soothes your mood. Fresh flowers or a plant, for instance, might induce good relationships in your life.  (Take note: Dried flowers and dead flowers will do quite the opposite. Fake flowers are better, but they’re still not emitting the same kind of energy that fresh blooms would.)

Feng Shui Tips for the Bedroom

Reposition the Bed
Avoid having your headboard under a window or on the same wall as the door. “You want to be in the commanding position, so make sure you can see the door without being directly in line with it,” says Kim.

Only Calm Energy Allowed
Bedrooms should only be for sleeping, resting, and reconnecting with your partner. Electronics, books, bills or paperwork, and plants—anything that produces active energy—should not be in the bedroom. (Plants become active at night to produce oxygen, so they’re considered active energy.)

Even for kids, make sure to create a space for them to recharge and rest so they can grow healthy. Kim says active items, like toys, stuffed animals, and video games should be in the living room or another playroom. If it has to be in their bedroom, put it in a cubby or a cabinet that they can close up and put away at night.

Be mindful of where you place mirrors in your bedrooms, too. Kim says to make sure your body’s not being reflected in the mirror while you’re sleeping because mirrors are constantly reflecting and moving, just like water. “When your body is reflected in the mirror, you’re basically next to a wave that it is constantly crashing into you,” she says.

Propagate Parity
“If you share a bedroom with a partner, create an even ground,” says Kim. “Make sure both bedside tables are the same size, and use the same light fixture. You want to create a balanced relationship of both of you helping each other out.”

Feng Shui Tips for the Bathroom

One-Way Traffic Only
“When you dump things in a bathroom, you don’t want anything to come back out—literally or figuratively,” says Kim. Keep bathrooms clean and keep your toilet lid closed. If it’s a bathroom that is not in use regularly, keep the sink drains closed. Some people put river rocks in the sink and shower to cover up the drain, but it’s still usable.

Clear the Air
Pun-Yin says to avoid stagnant and humid energy in the bathroom by using a dehumidifier. Alternatively, keep the door partially open.

Have Fun With It
“People tend to view the bathroom as the last thing to decorate, or they shut the door and try to hide it,” says Kim. “But it is there, so why not make it fun and exciting? Meaning, energetically colorful, bright, and sparkly. Make it a space that you and your guests enjoy as well. Make it part of your home.” Plants, paint, towels, and decorations are all fair game.

Feng Shui Tips for the Office

Be a Boss
Again, prioritize the room’s commanding position and place your desk there. “Try to avoid having your back to a window,” says Pun-Yin. “If you can’t, counteract the energy imbalance by placing a plant behind your chair or hanging a piece of jade from the back of your chair.” Jade is a stone that is believed to improve the balance of energy.

Keep an Eye on the Prize
Place objects that represent your past achievements behind you, preferably on a bookcase, and place something that motivates you in front of you, so you’re always looking toward the future. 


If you need more specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui. Contact me today!

Fertility Feng Shui

Have you been trying to conceive for a while but still have no bun in the oven? It may surprise you that it could have something to do with the Feng Shui energy in your home. Feng Shui can help you create a more balanced and relaxed environment for conception. When trying to conceive, two things should always be addressed: the couple and the home. Read on to find out how you can harness and direct the chi in your home to help you create your new bundle of joy.

Improving Fertility Feng Shui in the Home

The first place you can look to improve your fertility Feng Shui is right outside your front door! In Feng Shui, the door is considered the “mouth of chi,” so it’s where all of the energy enters the home. This is why it’s important to make sure there is open space here, meaning there’s nothing in the direct line with your front door such as a tree, car, or other object. It’s also important to avoid plant overgrowth in this area. Think about allowing fresh, healthy energy to enter and flow throughout your home.

The next place to focus on is the Children & Creativity Area of the home. Using elements to activate this part of your home, which is located at the center/right portion of your home’s floor plan, can help. These elements include: The shape of a circle, a metal element, white and/or metallic colors, as well as accessories representing mothers, babies & children, and families. An example of this might be to get a circle-shaped metal frame, paint it in a metallic color and use it to display a picture of a happy family.

Bump That Bed

We have great news! There’s a lot you can do in your marital bedroom to help with your fertility Feng Shui. Before doing anything else, though, we recommend cleaning and clearing the clutter first. Want to know the Feng Shui gold standard for improving your conception chances in the bedroom? Shifting the bed a bit to the left or right. That’s simple enough right? While you’re working on the bed, it’s also a good idea to flip the mattress over.


Get that vacuuming under the bed out of the way now… and then hold off during the time you’re trying to conceive, throughout the pregnancy and even a few weeks after the baby is born. While cleaning now, it’s a good idea to remove any items unrelated to rest and romance from the room. This includes exercise equipment, televisions, and work objects such as computers. Doing this will create a more fertility-friendly space where romance can be nurtured.

Don’t forget to address the problem areas such as overcrowded closets or cluttered rooms. Cleaning will help allow new fertile, creative energy to enter your life. Once everything is clean, give yourself a pat on the back! You’ve just helped increase your chances of conception. Yay!

The Relationship Corner

Oooo La La! It’s time to talk about pointers for creating a healthy and romantic Relationship Corner in the bedroom. From the doorway, take a closer look at the far right corner of the room, as this is the Relationship Corner. Focus on this area is suggested for optimal fertility Feng Shui chi. You can help to activate this area with several things that might help. These include items that represent romance to the couple, the color red, the shape of a square and an Earth element (such as a vase). Whenever possible, try to use items in pairs, such as two of the same lamps, pillows, etc.


In Feng Shui, colors are important, and it’s no different in the bedroom. For instance, sleeping on green sheets will help remove any energy blockages and heal any disease or ailment that may be preventing conception from occurring. It’s also believed that green sheets will allow for a healthy pregnancy to implant.

Painting the wall behind the marital bed yellow can also help in conception efforts. The colors yellow and orange are most associated with fertility in Feng Shui since these are the colors of children’s energy. Only a bit of yellow and orange will do since they are is also stimulating colors that can prevent rest if overused.

If this seems like too many colors, just focus on one or two. Another way to approach it might be to use touches of these colors, like green sheets with corresponding pillows that have some yellow and orange in them, or green sheets with a piece of framed artwork (in a square frame) of a happy family that has orange and yellow tied in somehow. Perhaps use a metal frame with baby chicks. There are so many ways to make Feng Shui doable for you.


The use of symbols is another important element of Feng Shui. There are lots of different symbols you can represent in the bedroom. It’s important to choose just one or two that you might have in your home already or that stand out for you, and focus on those. In other words, you don’t need to feel overwhelmed and get one of every symbol related to fertility. It’s all about creating the perfect energy and surrounding yourself with things that relate best to you or that you love.

Next Steps

There are so many ways to make your bedroom a romantic, fertility-friendly space. I have given you a lot of ideas to add to your fertility Feng Shui tool box. Take the ideas that are both doable and meaningful for you, and put them to work in your home. The ultimate goal is to use Feng Shui to create a positive environment in which miracles can occur. Happy baby-making!

If you need guidance on how to improve your space and your life, I’m always available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a consultation. Better Feng Shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Know someone trying to conceive? Share this post with them on Facebook!

Feng Shui Cul-de-Sac Cures

It is well-known that the Feng Shui for a cul-de-sac home is bad. Though I typically advise against living in such a home, I have figured out how to make lemonade out of lemons (or good Feng Shui out of bad, in this case).

Feng Shui Cul-de-Sac Sign

In years past, home builders could charge a premium for homes at the end of cul-de-sacs. With more buyers aware of Feng Shui, that is simply no longer the case.

Unaware buyers may covet a home on a cul-de-sac because it provides a larger lot and reduced drive-through traffic so that children can play. Unfortunately, many of those who have lived in a cul-de-sac home have paid the price in more ways than one.

Basic Feng Shui Advice

When possible, avoid cul-de-sac homes.  It’s really that simple.

When I work with home builders, I advise against site plans that include cul-de-sacs, especially in Feng Shui aware areas, because they typically have to reduce their price to sell the homes. Moreover, city planners avoid them because they promote a reliance on cars, as public transportation is more difficult to service these areas.

If you are looking at purchasing a home on a cul-de-sac, I would advise against it because the overwhelming energy you will experience is chaotic and stale.

But what if you already own and live in a cul-de-sac home?

Most of my clients living in cul-de-sac homes came to me experiencing problems making and keeping money and have had poor health. Fortunately, I solved their problems, just as I will for you.

Own a Cul-de-Sac Home?  Your Options

If you already live in a home on a cul-de-sac, you have essentially two Feng Shui options:

1. Sell the home, likely to someone who is not aware of Feng Shui.

2. Harness and transform the Feng Shui energy flowing to your home such that it can nourish you rather than deplete you.  This isn’t the easy option, but it is sometimes the only option given individual situations.

I am going to focus on the second option so that we can work on some cures to your cul-de-sac Feng Shui.

Negative Chi of Cul-de-Sacs

First, let’s talk about why cul-de-sac homes have such bad Feng Shui.

While any home on a cul-de-sac is bad Feng Shui, the homes in the red area get the fastest moving negative Chi.

While any home on a cul-de-sac is bad Feng Shui, the homes in the red area get the fastest moving negative Chi.

Think of a street like a river, where water flows down from a source. Chi (or Qi) is water’s equivalent, flowing down a street from its source toward your cul-de-sac. Chi is Feng Shui energy. Just like water, it can be clean and refreshing or dirty and unhealthy.

Water nourishes while it also erodes. It provides life-giving energy to plants while also slowly eating away at the banks of the river. Chi works in much the same way, as it provides life-giving energy to you in your home, it also erodes your Bagua over time.

As water flows to a dam, it churns chaotically and over time gets stale. Sediment collects, creating mud that grows like a cancer. So, too, does Chi as it flows to a cul-de-sac. While the energy is worst at the home at the end of the cul-de-sac, all of the surrounding homes must share dirty, chaotic and stale energy that erodes at their Baguas over time.

Energy that makes its way into your cul-de-sac home is not calm, refreshing energy that you need to kickstart the creative cycle of your Bagua. Instead, it is fast, chaotic, used up energy that needs to be slowed, regulated and refreshed.

Energy Transformation

If you intend to live in a home at a cul-de-sac (or a home on a T-intersection or dead end), improve its incoming Feng Shui energy much as you would regulate and filter dam water for drinking.

Start by slowing the energy coming at your home. Do this by utilizing landscaping effects such as tall shrubs, walls, fences or even sturdy posts near your front curb (this also helps prevent unsuspecting car drivers from ending up in your living room).

Next, add some water and wind features between the tall curbside landscaping and the doorway. Try utilizing a pond, pool, birdbath, or water fountain. Any calm water feature will do. You could also add a windmill or other moving garden elements. Adding these elements filters and refreshes your incoming Chi.

You can use Feng Shui to protect your home from negative energy by adding strong posts and refresh the energy with a water feature.

You can use Feng Shui to protect your home from negative energy by adding strong posts and refresh the energy with a water feature.

Now, create a winding pathway from the cul-de-sac to your front door that navigates its way through the landscaping effects at the curb and through your water or wind features to your doorway. This re-creates the calm flowing river effect, with your new filtration system working to slow and refresh the Chi.

Ensure that your doorway and the front of your home is well-lit. Depending on your home, you may want to paint your door a particular color. These steps attract positive Feng Shui energy.

As I suggest with T-intersection homes, try using a convex Bagua mirror at your doorway to bounce away any negative energy that sneaks through. It doesn’t need to be visible from outside.

Feng Shui Convex Bagua Mirror

Place your convex Bagua mirror above your door on the interior wall facing toward the street. Yes, you won’t actually see the mirror.

Lastly, make sure you have followed all of the steps to Feng Shui the inside of your home according to the Bagua. Doing so will ensure that your career, relationships, wealth, love, health and all other areas of importance are well-nourished by your newly-refreshed Chi.

Next Steps

You deserve to live a life of abundant wealth and health.  Make sure that your home is providing for you.

If you run into any problems along the way or are looking for some professional guidance, contact me. I pride myself in adding harmony and balance while not making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded in your home. You can get a consultation in-person or virtually via video chat.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices the Feng Shui way. As your consultant, you will be able to get one-on-one advice for how to attract positive energy and improve your life with Feng Shui. I offer in-home and virtual services. Contact me today!

Know someone who lives on a cul-de-sac or T-intersection? Share this post with them on Facebook!

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How to Improve Bunk Bed Feng Shui

Bunk beds are an excellent way to save space and kids absolutely love them.

At the same time, there are tons of reasons why bunk beds provide poor Feng Shui, including:

  • Sleeplessness in the upper bunk because of the lack of support directly below the body.
  • Reduced energy or Chi getting to the lower bed because of the force of the upper bed on top.
  • The person sleeping in the lower bunk will feel inferior to the person in the upper bunk, potentially igniting fights between the two.

Even from a common sense perspective, bunk beds can be seen as potentially noisy and unsafe. I live in California, where it only makes matters worse!

Feng Shui Bunk Bed Cures

Thoughtful Boy With Soft Toy Lying On Bunk Bed

So, let’s move on to how we make bunk beds better for Feng Shui, because I think they can be a great way to save space, can encourage creativity for children and are simply fun. I get it.

Here are some tips to boost positive Feng Shui energy for bunk beds:

  • Ensure that the bunk bed does not squeak or rock when kids are flopping around on the top bunk.
  • Make sure the bunk bed is built tough, preferably from solid wood. A bunk bed built into the wall adds to the strength and stability.
  • Each bed should have a headboard.
  • Try to safely replace slats under the mattress of the top bunk with solid plywood (preferably pine). If you can’t replace the slats, at least add the plywood between the slats and the mattress.
  • Paint the bottom of the upper bunk or cover it with a fabric with calming colors, night sky, clouds, etc. Just make sure to avoid too dark of a color, as you don’t want your child in the bottom bunk to feel like they are in deep water.
  • If possible, get a bunk bed that allows the bottom bunk to roll out from the upper bunk during sleeping time.
  • Drape fabric over the bottom bunk to create a tent-like enclosed space. Some children aren’t ready for this while others will love the feeling of security.

Next Steps

Feng Shui is meant to help you add harmony and balance in your home. Make the best of the space you have by enhancing it with Feng Shui.

If your child has trouble sleeping, read up on these other bedroom tips and bed tips. If nothing seems to help, contact me for an in-home consultation.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices the Feng Shui way. As your consultant, you will be able to get one-on-one advice for how to arrange your room and the rest of your home. I offer in-home and virtual services. Contact me today!

Know someone who has bunk beds? Share this post with them on Facebook!

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Feng Shui in Home Design

Ensure that you are using the appropriate element,  color, pattern or material for every aspect of your home design.

The five elements of water, wood, fire, earth and metal in their creative cycle.

The five elements of water, wood, fire, earth and metal in their creative cycle.

Feng Shui Elements

In terms of Feng Shui, the element is the central theme to many of the areas of the Bagua.

Thus, make sure that you utilize wood or something representing wood in the Family Area and earth in the Health Area.

Feng Shui Colors

The choice of colors is quite important because they often represent the elements and therefore the various areas of the Bagua.  For instance, red represents fire and is ideal in the Fame & Reputation Area.  Purple is the color of royalty and is best found in the Wealth & Prosperity Corner.

Feng Shui Patterns

Patterns can also represent elemental objects.  As an example, a pattern of wavy or undulating lines would best represent water and should be placed in the Career Area.  Patterns with circular shapes represent metal and thus the Creativity & Children Area.

Material Color Pattern

Feel free to take things quite literal when it comes to patterns.  For instance, you could use a throw pillow with dollar signs in your Wealth & Prosperity Corner, a pattern with sailboats in your Travel Corner, hearts would go with your Love & Relationships Corner, etc.

Feng Shui Materials

Of course, many materials are exactly the same as the elements.  A wooden hutch, for instance, would be best placed in the Family Area while metal furniture is best placed in the Children & Creativity Area.

Some materials can be a bit more tricky, but think of where they come from.  Fabric from cotton or linen is made from the earth and would be ideal in the Health Area, for instance.

Next Steps

Research and use some creative thinking when doing interior design.  The use of colors, patterns and materials can represent various elements that correlate directly with various areas of the Bagua.

Remember to always think twice before you place an object in your home or office.  Make sure it won’t conflict with your harmony and balance.

Are you looking for a Feng Shui consultant you can trust?  I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices the Feng Shui way.  Contact me today!

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2015 Year of the Wooden Sheep & Goat

What will my year be like?  What is my fortune for 2015? Will I find love, wealth and a better job in 2015?

2015 is the Year of the Wooden Sheep or Goat in the Chinese Zodiac, or Lunar Calendar. The sheep is seen as a symbol of peace, balance, harmony and calmness. 2015 is also an “8” year in Feng Shui, which means there’s a lot of wealth to be made this year for most in both their personal and professional lives.

Ms Feng Shui 2015 Year of the Sheep Goat

The Chinese New Year doesn’t officially begin until February 19th this year, but that shouldn’t keep us from getting prepared right now!

2015, like any other year, will not be the same for everyone. Just look at your friends and family. Some had a great 2014, while it may have been awful for others. We need to break it down by when you were born – the more precise, the more descriptive the fortune.

Here is general snapshot of 2015 for each of the Chinese Zodiac signs. Please note that I can provide more detail if you give me your accurate birth date and time. If you are interested, please learn more about a Birth Date Numerology Analysis. You will get a month-by-month breakdown of your year specific to you.

These Chinese Zodiac forecasts are good little guidelines to see how you should be presenting yourself in 2015 and how you should arrange your home to make sure you are boosting the energy you need and protecting the areas that needs protecting, like the Health Area of your home.

Don’t know your zodiac sign? No problem. Just click here to find out your Chinese Zodiac Sign.

Ms Feng Shui Chinese Zodiac Signs

  • Year of the Rat: You should watch out for anything you will regret or be blamed for.  Ensure you are doing everything right in your Fame & Reputation Area.
  • Year of the Ox: You should be cautious of any confrontations. The Year of the Sheep and Year of the Ox naturally have jealous energy towards each other, so this year may seem a little confrontational to you.  Boost your Helpful People Corner.
  • Year of the Tiger: You should really keep a close eye on your health and finances.  Make sure you don’t have any plumbing leaks and check on your Health Area and Prosperity Corner.
  • Year of the Rabbit: This is a great year for you! It is the perfect time to make job changes and begin business ventures you have always dreamed of. Just make sure you do what you need to do in your Career Area. Before making any significant moves, find out which months are best for you with a Birth Date Numerology Analysis.
  • Year of the Dragon: You should take extra care in decisions you would like to make this year. Make sure that all the T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted. Use the appropriate areas of the Feng Shui Bagua to maximize your goals.
  • Year of the Snake: You should be able to overcome all obstacles you confront and become very successful. Travel is in the forecast this year. You need to keep a close eye on your finances so they don’t get out of control. Make sure that your Helpful People & Travel Area of your house is in good order. Also make sure you quickly resolve any plumbing leaks.
  • Year of the Horse: You can make your dreams come true this year, especially in love and in your career. You will get the recognition you deserve. Make sure that your Fame & Reputation Area is in good order. It wouldn’t hurt to look at your Love Corner and Career Area, while you’re at it.
  • Year of the Sheep: This is your year, but you should keep a close watch on your health. Use your mind more than being physically active to solve problems. Boost that Health Area of your home.
  • Year of the Monkey: You should have positive outcome in nearly all aspects in life: career promotions, love and stable finances.  To really get the most out of your year, make sure everything is in order in your Career Area, Love Corner, and Money Area.
  • Year of the Rooster: You need to keep singular focus on the goal you want to reach. You can get a bit distracted this year with a lot of changes coming your way. Just remember to keep focus on what you really want. Use the appropriate area of the Feng Shui Bagua to maximize your goal.
  • Year of the Dog: You will be driven by your family’s and loved ones’ happiness more than your career. Take a look at your Family Area for some tips on how to maximize your efforts.
  • Year of the Pig: You will have a happy and stable year. Go ahead with your business or life plans you have been planning, but make sure to double-check your health. Ground yourself by making improvements to your Career Area and Health Area first. Before making any significant moves, find out which months are best for you with a Birth Date Numerology Analysis.

Use these Chinese Zodiac forecasts as a guideline to make sure that your home has good Feng Shui to support the energy it needs to boost your energy or protect your energy.

Next Steps

Chinese Birth Date Numerology Analysis

Again, if you want a month-by-month detailed analysis of 2015 based on your birth date and time, please learn more about a Birth Date Numerology Analysis. This is especially important if you are looking to make big changes this year.

Contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Consultation so I can help you add harmony and balance to your life. It will be the best investment you ever make. I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert that has helped thousands of people improve their lives through Feng Shui.

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