Ms. Feng Shui

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Bright Light in Feng Shui

Correcting Overhead Lighting for Better Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, lighting represents the fire element and is the strongest manifestation of energy. It’s dominant influence on the quality of the Chi in your home means that it can help bring balance and harmony to every space you spend the most time in.

The light element needs to be harnessed in certain ways to make the most of its potential. Let us shine some light on this topic for you. Read on.

Identify the Problem

Balance is required for optimal Feng Shui.  But, inadequate, poor, or harsh lighting can affect your mood, the way you feel, and your overall well-being. This is a problem. Before you can solve the problem,  however, you need to be able to identify what the problem is.

A classic case of bad Feng Shui comes from homes that have a single overhead light as the only available light source in a room. This is the case for many homes and work spaces. Unfortunately, this is a huge no-no since this type of lighting makes it impossible to relax.

With the following lighting tips in your Feng Shui tool box you’ll be able to correct any lighting faux pas that come your way.

Optimizing General Lighting

If your home has rooms with that single overhead light we spoke about above, do not despair. You have options. Either remove them altogether or simply put them on a dimmer switch. This can help give you some much-needed flexibility. Try and create an overall glow to each room.

A torchiere or torchère is one type of light that can help you do this. They are large lights that bounce light off the ceiling which helps fill up the room. You can help adjust the mood by putting these on dimmer switches as well.

It’s also a good idea, crucial even, to consider how you use the space in each individual room. Use warm-toned lights (around 2700k color temperature) in restful places and cool-toned lights (around 5000k color temperature) in more active spaces. Doing this can help bring balanced and harmonious Chi to your space.

Ambient Lighting

Since ambient lighting sets the mood for any space, it plays an important role in the life or Chi of the home. It is a natural light that seems to come from all directions and encompasses an entire room.

Types of ambient light include natural light, accent lighting, or even candle lighting. It is light that supports relaxation and conversation and makes it easy to move about the space.

During the day, create ambient lighting by opening those curtains, blinds, or shades and letting the sun shine in. The greatest source of light energy comes from the sun. Sunlight brings an abundance of beauty and positive energy into any space.

If natural light isn’t available, full-spectrum lighting can be used here. Try placing table lamps around the room to create a triangle of light. Having three lamps balanced throughout the space can bring balanced Chi to the room.

Task Lighting

Task lighting is essentially concentrated lighting to help perform certain job(s). It’s lighting for a specific purpose like reading, working, or studying. Many times, task lighting are smaller lights placed in the vicinity of the couch, bed, or desk.

Perfect examples of rooms that need brighter lights are a kitchen or office/hobby room/art studio. Think cooler-toned lights, at around a 5000k color temperature, in these spaces since so much activity occurs here. These will help you balance the Chi and get the job done.

Next Steps

From today on, always think of lighting as an essential Chi adjustment to your space. Use different types of lighting to help serve the purpose and adjust the mood of any given area. When in doubt, using ambient lighting can always help you achieve better Feng Shui.

If you need guidance choosing the correct lighting for your space, I’m always available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a consultation. Better Feng Shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

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Declutter to Feng Shui Your Space!

The notion of a neat and simplified space translates into less stress and less “stuff” weighing us down. However, just the idea of decluttering your home can make you feel anxious, overwhelmed, and just plain lost. Where in the world do we begin?

Feng Shui Clutter

Studies have shown that out of all the things we keep, we will only actually use 1 in 20 items. You read that right, 1 in twenty! That’s a lot of clutter, and clutter is a HUGE Feng Shui no-no! Read on to find out the meaning of clutter in Feng Shui and some items currently in your home to get rid of now!

Feng Shui is all about positive energy flow to help keep us balanced and energized which will help welcome positive things into our lives. However, nothing new can come into your life if you don’t make room for it!

In Feng Shui, clutter is anything that is hopelessly disorganized (like that huge stack of old bills and magazines growing bigger by the day), unused (like all those baby toys your four year old isn’t into anymore), and/or unfinished (like that piece of artwork you were sure you could nail but looks nothing like a Van Gogh). It creates an inability to move forward oftentimes keeping us back from making progress.

Any space can be quickly transformed by first clearing the clutter. Getting rid of the clutter can breathe new life into both the space and you. By surrounding yourself with only the items in your home that you love and often use, you surround yourself with a strong, active energy that can bring focus and clarity into your life.

People are always saying they need to declutter but they don’t know where to start. Others feel a sense of loss when getting rid of items they no longer use. Nothing good can come from keeping that clutter around. It can make you feel overwhelmed, confused, tired, depressed, and even angry. That clutter keeps you in the past and prevents you from looking towards the future.

It’s time to get rid of clutter! Don’t like the thought of throwing your things in the trash? Consider donating some of the gently used items, or use apps like OfferUp or Facebook Marketplace to make some extra cash. Feeling overwhelmed? Try taking it one day, one room, even one object at a time. Try to avoid accumulating more things. If you don’t plan on using it, don’t bring it into your home.

Get rid of some of these things now and re-energize your home:

  • Possible Kitchen Clutter: expired food, expired cleaning supplies, ancient spices, mismatched food storage containers, or any item with several duplicates (do you really need five pizza cutters?).
  • Possible Family & Living Room Clutter: old magazines, outgrown toys, toys that are missing pieces, DVD’s that are never watched or damaged, old dog/cat toys that were destroyed long ago
  • Counter Top or Office Space Clutter: piles of old mail, expired coupons, old cell phones, unread books, read books that you don’t plan to read again
  • Bedroom Clutter: worn-out or uncomfortable shoes, mismatched socks, outgrown clothes, worn-out clothing, outdated clothes (so much clothes!), broken jewelry
  • Bathroom & Linen Closet Clutter: worn towels, worn sheets, unused toiletries, old cosmetics
  • Outdoor Space Clutter: unused sporting equipment, worn out/broken sporting equipment, outgrown outdoor toys, broken outdoor toys

With the recent end of the school year, our kiddos are returning home with all of their projects and, ahem, “artwork” from the entire school year. Fight the urge to keep it all after you’ve taken some pictures for posterity. Consider this the first step in your decluttering journey.

Remember you are not alone! We live in an age of consumerism, where acquiring “stuff” is part of our culture, but when it starts to impact the way we think and feel, we need to take steps to change it. The hardest part is getting started, but when you begin to see and feel the benefits of a decluttered space, you won’t regret it!

Next Steps

After you’ve rid yourself of clutter, you’ve made space for positive Feng Shui energy called Chi to flow through your home.  Make sure you are attracting it into your home and that the flow is optimal by following some steps on my website.

If you are interested in improving your life through Feng Shui, I can help.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

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5 Feng Shui Tips to Invigorate Your Space Today

Do you love being home? Oftentimes, our homes are a reflection of who we are, but not many people realize that your surroundings can affect your energy, your mood, and even your luck.

Feng Shui is a system of harmonizing with your surroundings. Rather than relying solely on style, Feng Shui focuses on matching your home with your intentions. It’s all about giving a positive energy boost to you and the areas where you spend most of your time.

Here are five easy and effective tips to breathe new life into your space and help you feel fresh and energetic at home.

1. Have a Clear Purpose
Know what you want from life. See it, feel it, and know that it will come to be with a little hard work. Being completely open to what the universe has in store for you and seeing everything as a potential opportunity for personal success is key to achieving positive chi or energy in your home or personal space. Positive energy flow is what Feng Shui is all about.

2. Amplify the Call of Nature
The English translation for Feng Shui is “wind and water” Open those blinds, shades, or curtains and look around you. Listen to the birds sing. Open your windows and breathe in the energy of Mother Nature. In Feng Shui, birds are powerful symbols of new opportunities, abundance and good luck, but that isn’t all. Birds also symbolize love and commitment. With all of these wonderful virtues, why not put a bird feeder or bath outside your window and invite their energy to join you? You can even find what birds you are drawn to and add photos or sculptures of them into your decor.

3. Bring the Outdoors In
Get your green thumbs ready because in Feng Shui, plants represent abundance and wealth. They symbolize growth and health, not to mention they’re beautiful to look at. Caring for and seeing them thrive is invigorating for us as well, and they reciprocate by breathing refreshing energy into our homes. They add moisture to the air and eat toxins. So don’t be afraid to bring some of the outdoors in!

4. Light Force
Have you ever felt energized when walking outdoors on a sunny day? This is because light is the strongest manifestation of energy and can help balance the flow of chi in any space. A dark space will have a lack of life force, while light will give you the positive energy boost you seek. So open up those blinds to let the sunshine in, invest in better, brighter lighting indoors and let the force be with you, always.

5. One Step at a Time
Are you ready to feel the benefits of Feng Shui all around you? It may seem overwhelming, but taking it week by week can make it so much easier. Make one small change each week. Bring in one element, like a plant or water fountain, to help the energy flow in your home. Additionally, things like decluttering your space can make a huge difference on how your home looks and how you feel. That clutter is bogging down your chi energy and your life.

Next Steps

Ready to dive in? What’s one thing you can do right now to starting benefiting from the power of Feng Shui?

Learn more about Feng Shui on my website.

If you are interested in improving your life through Feng Shui, I can help.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Know of someone who needs to invigorate their space? Share this post with them on Facebook!

Understanding the Feng Shui Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water

In feng shui, the five elements – wood, fire, earth, metal, and water – are believed to represent different energies and qualities. When I work with home builders and interior designers, we work together to integrate the elements as much as possible. Chances are, however, that your home was not designed with the five elements in mind. So, let’s do so now!

Each element is associated with specific colors, shapes, and symbolism, and can be used to enhance different aspects of your life. Understanding the meanings of the feng shui elements can help you incorporate them into your home or office in a way that brings balance and harmony.

Here’s a brief overview of the meanings of the feng shui elements:

  • Wood. The element of wood represents growth, expansion, and creativity. It is associated with the colors green and brown, and is symbolized by plants, trees, and wood-based materials.
  • Fire. The element of fire represents passion, creativity, and transformation. It is associated with the colors red and purple, and is symbolized by flames, candles, and light.
  • Earth. The element of earth represents stability, security, and abundance. It is associated with the colors yellow, orange, and brown, and is symbolized by earth-based materials such as rocks and crystals.
  • Metal. The element of metal represents clarity, precision, and organization. It is associated with the colors white, silver, and gold, and is symbolized by metal objects such as coins and jewelry.
  • Water. The element of water represents flow, movement, and abundance. It is associated with the colors black and blue, and is symbolized by water-based materials such as fountains and aquariums.

When incorporating these elements into your home or office, be sure to follow the Bagua rather than randomly scattering the elements throughout your space. When placed correctly, the five elements can bring balance and harmony to your space and enhance different aspects of your life. Whether you’re looking to bring prosperity and success, or simply create a more calming and relaxing environment, the feng shui elements can be a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals.

Learn more about Feng Shui on my website.

If you are interested in improving your life through Feng Shui, I can help.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Be Thankful and Use Feng Shui to Give Back

I’m a glass is half-full type of gal, but I know that not everything in life will go our way.

Along with Feng Shui, being thankful is the best way to achieve inner peace and harmony, along with health, prosperity and everything else that follows.

Be Thankful

Feng Shui Dining Room

Being thankful can be a difficult skill to master, but it can be one of the most rewarding goals you will ever accomplish.

Start simple… and even maybe a little materialistic. You can begin by being thankful for what you have, like your home and your car.

As you progress, you will find yourself appreciating not so much what you have, but rather who you have. You’ll likely be thankful for the relationships you’ve shared and the lessons that you have learned in life.

As you master your new found skill of appreciation, you’ll notice the little things in the wide world around you. The colors of the changing foliage and the fresh air will be amplified for you.

You will eventually find yourself open to new opportunities and new relationships.

You will notice that you are happy.

And so will others.

Your contagious smile and graciousness will be magnetic. Positive energy and great things will come to you.

At this point, you should focus on your goals. What do you want to achieve in life and how do you want to help others? Be thankful for these things as if they have already happened. Your new gift of thankfulness will seem like magic.

Give When You Get

Today, I am particularly thankful for all of my readers and clients.

With that, I am going to introduce another concept… give when you get.

20% Goes to St. Jude

From now through Christmas Eve, 20% of all home and office consultation fees will go to charity, including St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. St. Jude is a wonderful organization that advances cures and means of prevention for pediatric catastrophic diseases. 81 cents of every dollar donated to St. Jude goes directly to its research and treatment. All medically eligible patients who are accepted for treatment at St. Jude are treated without regard to the family’s ability to pay.

When you get my Feng Shui expertise to improve your home or office, you will also be giving to a wonderful organization and families in need. What can be better?

This is my way of giving thanks while helping you give when you get.

Next Steps

Are you looking for a Feng Shui consultant you can trust?  Learn a little more about me and how I can help you add harmony and balance to your home or office the Feng Shui way.  Contact me today!

Want to tell others about how they can give when they get? Share this post with them on Facebook!

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Feng Shui Front Door Colors

The appropriate color to paint your front door can be confusing.

Aren’t you always supposed to have a red front door?  Not exactly.

Feng Shui Red Front Door

Some people say that having a red front door attracts negative energy.  Others say red is the best color to use, despite the fact that it is in your Career Area, which should be predominantly blue or black.

Which Color is Correct?

As with many things in Feng Shui, the color you choose for your front door depends more on what you want to attract.

For instance, are you looking to bring in some wealth?  Go for red.

Do you need to add some stability to your life?  Brown is the best choice for you.

Here are various colors for your front door and what they are known to attract in Feng Shui:

  • Red = Wealth
  • Green = Growth
  • Blue = Relaxation
  • Brown = Stability

Feng Shui Colors

Next Steps

Read more on colors in Feng Shui as well as the various aspects of your Career Area.

Remember that painting your front door is only one part of a balanced and harmonious home or office.  Be sure you learn more about Feng Shui and make positive changes to all areas of the Bagua.

If you need additional help, contact me to inquire about a consultation.  I will help you achieve the life that you deserve without making your home look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

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