Ms. Feng Shui

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Feng Shui Your Home Office for Increased Productivity and Success

With more people working from home, we need to know how best to maximize our efforts for success by using feng shui.

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that involves the arrangement of objects and space to create a harmonious and balanced environment. By following some simple feng shui principles, you can create a home office that supports your work and helps you achieve your goals.

  1. Choose the right location for your home office. The ideal location for a home office is a room or corner that is quiet, private, and separate from the rest of the house. This will help you focus and minimize distractions. If you don’t have a separate room for your home office, consider creating a designated work area in a quiet corner of a shared space.
  2. Make sure the home office is well-ventilated and well-lit. Good ventilation and lighting are essential for a comfortable and productive work environment. Make sure there is plenty of natural light coming into the home office, and consider installing a fan to circulate the air.
  3. Keep the home office clean and clutter-free. Clutter can be a major distraction and can block the flow of positive energy in the home office, so it’s important to keep the space clean and organized. Regularly wipe down surfaces, sweep and mop the floor, and get rid of any unnecessary items.
  4. Incorporate the five feng shui elements. The five feng shui elements – wood, fire, earth, metal, and water – are believed to balance and harmonize the energy in a space. To bring these elements into your home office, try incorporating natural materials such as wood or stone, using the color red to represent fire, adding plants or artwork to represent earth, incorporating metal accents such as desk lamps or hardware, and using water features like a fountain or aquarium.
  5. Choose the right colors for your home office. The colors you choose for your home office can have a big impact on the overall energy of the space. Soft, calming colors such as green, blue, and purple promote a peaceful and focused atmosphere, while bold, vibrant colors like red and yellow can bring energy and excitement to the space.

By following these feng shui principles, you can create a home office that supports your work and helps you achieve your goals. Using these tips can help you create a positive and harmonious energy in your home office, but be sure to read my previous post about how to feng shui your desk.

What now? Well, learn more about Feng Shui on my website.

If you are interested in improving your life through Feng Shui, I can help.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Feng Shui in Quarantine

Use Feng Shui to lose the overwhelming, uneasy or overworked feelings that can come with working from home

Probably like you, I went from driving to school, to the office, to visit clients, back to school, and to the kids’ practices, to now setting up work meetings, my kids’ distance learning and virtual practices, all from the “comfort” of my home via videoconference, while giving in to provide snacks seemingly every fifteen minutes to the kids.  That run-on sentence captures how this new normal can make us feel.  For the first two weeks at home, I felt overwhelmed, frustrated, angry, sad, and just wanted to be left alone, which are not typical personality traits of mine at all.  And then I was reminded of the solution while on a videoconference with a home builder client.

The modern practicality of the 3,000-year-old practice of Feng Shui consistently amazes me.  Most people only think of Feng Shui for its placement of objects and the use of colors, but it’s also about the placement of ourselves within our environment, whether-or-not we have an expansive home office.  Working from home is a challenge because the environment is designed primarily for relaxation, not laser focus on work when others are also home.  The good news is that Feng Shui helps us integrate better with our environment, even in times like these.

In a famous incident a few years ago, BBC World had a live video interview of a political analyst from his home office which was crashed by his two small children before his wife could drag them out, knocking books off the bed on the way.  Since the quarantine started, such incidents now seem normal.  Our efforts to find a quiet place to work or conduct videoconferences have resulted in multiple examples of poor office Feng Shui, which also happen to have real-world implications, even for a videoconference.

The client videoconference I alluded to had many examples of bad Feng Shui.  One person had her back to a window, darkening her face in the video and overwhelming her with energy.  Another had their back to the office door, just like the political analyst, where we saw kids running down the hallway and probably giving that person an anxiousness of people watching over their shoulder.  Yet another had a poster behind him of large waves crashing onto a lighthouse, symbolism that probably manifested into a feeling of unease that would explain the bags under his eyes.  I even saw someone working from her closet, probably the only way to provide segmentation between home- and work-life.

It was this video call that reminded me of my bad Feng Shui positioning that needed to be remedied.  In an effort to give my husband space for his video calls in our home office and to be close to the kids to help with their distance learning, I unwittingly placed myself in a position on the dining table near a fireplace where my back was to the patio door.  Once I realized my error, I moved to a location at the table where my back was to a solid wall and I could see all of the doorways to the room.  My mood immediately improved.  Though I still juggle my work, a flood of emails, the kids’ distance learning, and snacks every fifteen minutes, I no longer feel stressed out, trapped, or overwhelmed. I now have natural light hitting my face and perspective over the entire room.  It also prevents my kids from videobombing my calls, allowing me to preserve my professionalism.  I feel in control of my domain again.

Next Steps

If you feel overwhelmed, uneasy about your work environment, or simply can’t stop working at all hours, try to implement these tips for your workspace, however small that workspace may be:

  • Keep your back to a solid wall where you can see all windows and doors in the room.
  • Ensure proper lighting is in front of you, rather than only behind or directly above you.
  • Make sure only calming pictures and elements surround you.
  • Eliminate clutter from your home.
  • When work is done for the day, hide it from view however possible, even if that means covering your computer with a blanket or storing your documents in a closet at night.
  • Ensure you always have good posture at your computer workstation.
  • These same principles also apply to your workspace at your office, so make sure to apply them when restrictions are lifted.

Learn more about Feng Shui on my website.

If you are interested in improving your life through Feng Shui, I can help with a virtual consultation.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Know of someone that has committed a videoconferencing faux pas? Share this post with them on Facebook!

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

It’s Okay to Say NO!

You need to take care of yourself first to be able to take care of others! It’s okay to tell someone NO, so you can take care of the things you need for yourself.

As a mother of two busy boys, I run from school drop off to pick up to PTA meetings to hockey practices. In between, I go on consultations, answer phone calls and messages from my clients, and try to do my part around the house. I am constantly running at 100 miles per hour.

You’re probably in a similar situation. You try to do your best at everything, but something’s gotta give. I always tell my clients to take care of themselves first before doing everything for everyone else. However, even I sometimes forget this sage advice.

Flight attendants tell us prior to takeoff, “in case of a loss in cabin pressure, put on your own mask before assisting others.” As unconscionable as it seems to help yourself before others, especially in the case of a life-or-death situation like this, there is a practical reason for this statement. If you run out of oxygen and pass out, you can’t help anyone. Who’s going to take care of your family, home and career when you run out of air? The same goes if you burn yourself out.

It’s okay for you to say no. It’s okay for you to take time for yourself to refocus and re-center your mind and body so you can be your best self with everyone around you. Trust me, people you love and care about will love that you take time to take care of yourself.

If you are burned out, you can’t fully enjoy the good times with your friends and family. Your body needs rest. Moreover, your energy, whether positive or negative, transfers to those around you. If you carry a burned-out negativity, those around you will mirror you, which will just lead to increased negativity.

Take time. Take a hot bath on occasion. Go for daily walks at a park or the beach. Go to the movies. Take a yoga class. Have a weekly wine night with friends.

If you’re like me (or one of my Canada or Minnesota clients), play some hockey. At first glance, it might seem like I took up hockey for my boys. I did this for me. I love watching my boys do what they love, and I wanted to be a part of it. It’s great exercise and now I can do something for me at the same time as spending time with my family.

Whatever works best for you, you’ll be happier and more energized for it.

So, don’t be afraid to say no to others when you need to and take some time out for yourself. Your heart will thank you. Your family and friends will appreciate the fact that you are taking care of yourself.

And if anyone gives you a hard time, just tell them that Ms. Feng Shui said that you needed a little harmony and balance!

Next Steps

Learn more about Feng Shui on my website.

If you are interested in improving your life through Feng Shui, I can help.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Know of someone that needs to take some time for themselves? Share this post with them on Facebook!

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Don’t Overdo Your Feng Shui

I don’t normally look like I do in this video. I may have overdone my makeup and jewelry. Don’t make the same mistake when you Feng Shui your home or office. More isn’t always better.

Next Steps

Learn more about Feng Shui on my website.

If you are interested in improving your life through Feng Shui, I can help.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Know of someone who has taken their Feng Shui too far? Share this post with them on Facebook!

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Staircase Feng Shui

Have a staircase facing your front door? Don’t worry; it’s not the end of the world! Watch my newest video below to see what remedies are available.

5 Feng Shui Tips to Start New Year With Good Luck

From CW6 San Diego Living

Purge yourself and your home of all the bad energy of last year with simple to follow Feng Shui tips from Jessie Kim, a third-generation certified Feng Shui consultant known as Ms. Feng Shui. Start the new year with a clean slate and an open door to welcome a happy and healthy New Year.

Here are 5 tips from Ms. Feng Shui to bring in good “luck” and good energy into your life for the new year and say good riddance to last year.

1. Buy New Shoes! – Who doesn’t need an excuse to buy a new pair of shoes? Get yourself a new pair of shoes or if your budget won’t allow it, clean your shoes, and walk into the new year with clean new energy and leave last year behind.

2. Attract Wealth – Buy a new wallet to start off the new year and make sure to “hide” a nice clean $50 bill or $100 bill in your wallet to start attracting more money into your wallet. Clear out your purse and wallet! Pull out all the receipts, coupons, trash, toys, candy wrappers, etc. This is where you will be keeping your wealth, so don’t start with bills and receipts or things from the past. Leave last year’s receipts in the “past” as this will also give you a head start in organizing for your tax returns.

3. Create Positive Energy In Your Home – Move at least 9 things that haven’t been moved around your house in the past year. This will stir up positive energy, and while you’re at it, make sure to dust and vacuum those items you haven’t touched in a whole year.

4. Clean Away Last Year’s Bad Vibes – Make sure to dust, vacuum and wipe down all the dirt out of your home before you welcome in next year as well as wash your sheets and blankets. You want to start with no “dirt” from last year.

5. Move Forward – Buy a new watch, as watches are always moving forward. Buying a new watch means bringing in new and active energy into your life. If someone gifts you a watch, give them a coin or a dollar so you are “buying” the watch from them. You never want to gift someone a watch, especially to elders, as this means they are running out of time.

About Ms. Feng Shui Hyun Jung “Jessie” Kim is a third-generation certified Feng Shui consultant who provides personalized in-person and virtual Feng Shui consultations and seminars. She is highly sought after by real estate developers and home builders to consult on new residential development projects, and she works with a broad spectrum of clients, from individuals seeking advice for their homes to hotel chains, real estate investors, commercial developers, agents, brokers, and Fortune 500 corporations seeking improvements in their businesses.

Ms. Feng Shui uses her expert knowledge of Feng Shui to harness Chi in order to help her clients develop better relationships, find love, further their careers, build wealth, improve health and even increase their fertility to have children. Visit www.msfengshui.com for more information.

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