Ms. Feng Shui

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I Feel a Change Coming On!

Feng Shui Creativity / Children / Fertility - Writer's BlockWho likes change? Well, I guess it has to be the right type of change.

And for so many of us, change can sometimes feel overwhelming and uncomfortable.

Let’s assume you aren’t happy with your job. And let’s be honest, chances are you didn’t want to come in to work this morning.

Is there something better out there?

What if you find another job and it turns out to be worse than the one you have?

What if you take that leap of faith and can’t find a job to replace your current income?

Well, let’s not take that leap quite yet.

Instead, let’s make strategic changes… the Feng Shui way! You see, I prefer to use Feng Shui to make the good jobs come to me.

We are going to start with the little things around the house and see how it feels.

And if the small changes you make don’t feel good, simply change them back.

If things work out with the small changes I suggest, however, keep making minor tweaks.

I Like to Move It – Move It!

Feng Shui Career / Business / Life PathStart by making some modifications to the layout of your furniture. Along the way, you’ll likely find some dust bunnies and loose change under the sofa. Clean up and pocket the change.

Have you had the same old artwork hanging on the walls? Do they represent who you want to be and what you want to do? If not, make changes using my suggestions from this prior post on artwork.

Things can start to look very different in a fresh way. Start accepting that fresh new feeling and start seeing yourself in that dream job.

Imagine yourself loving every minute of being at your job, surrounded by wonderful new co-workers and a team leader looking to cheer you on.

Start Welcoming in New Energy.

Feng Shui Red DoorYour front door is always seen as your Career area.

Wash and clean your front door area and wipe away those cobwebs by your door bell.

Make sure your door bell works and has an uplifting chime to it.

Leave your front porch light on at night to brighten up your career path.

Clean up or replace your welcome mat so that it is truly welcoming.

If you normally enter and exit your home through the doorway to the garage, start using your front door instead.

Seriously, park your car in the garage but walk out and go through your front door. Your front door is where all the energy comes in to fuel you and your family with positive energy.

It seems silly, I know. But, you’ll begin to see how, if cleaned up well, walking through your front door brightens your life.

Learn more about the Career area of your home here.

Fire it Up!

Feng Shui Fame & Reputation -ActingOnce you are ready to welcome in that change and new career, start firing it up!

By that, I mean go to the Fame and Reputation area of your home and add some fire elements to it.

It can be something as simple as a candle or a picture of something red.  Stars or other pointy objects work really well, too.

You can try hanging a red dress, a red tie, a red jacket or even a pair of red socks if your Fame and Reputation area is in a closet.

Be creative! This is your chance to call in that dream job you’ve always wanted! For some other ideas, learn a little more about the Fame and Reputation area.

Welcome Change

Now you can keep your eyes open for those new career opportunities to come to you! Don’t lay out the welcome mat for the new career only to let it pass you by.

Start welcoming change! Change is a good thing!

Especially if you didn’t initiate the change, it can feel overwhelming or just plain bad (like getting laid off).  But, you can make the most of even that change.

Did you really love that job? If it wasn’t for them letting you go, would you have ever looked for your dream job that you were always too scared to go for previously?

Use this time as a chance to go after your dream career! Don’t be scared of change; embrace it and let it work in your favor with Feng Shui!

Next Steps
Leave a comment below with some creative ideas about how you will change your environment through Feng Shui to improve your situation.

If you need some specific help, Ms. Feng Shui provides Virtual Feng Shui Consultations and Feng Shui Space Clearing for the home and office.

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Change the Feng Shui Energy Around You

Feng Shui Family -FireplaceDo you just want some kind of change, but you’re not sure exactly what?

The 9-Step Program
Try moving 9 objects around your house.  That’s it.

It can be something like rearranging your living room furniture, reorganizing your bookshelf, moving your plants around, or moving just a few of the little things around that haven’t been moved in a long time.

These moves can make a big difference in your space and Feng Shui energy, usually for the better.

As the great Feng Shui Master, Karen Rauch Carter titled her wonderful and straightforward book: “Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life!”

Next Steps
For more information, read about the Bagua and how it is used in Feng Shui.

For more help, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Don’t Forget to Feng Shui Your Car!

Chinese Feng Shui Bagua Qi ChiYes, you can Feng Shui your car!

Where I live in Southern California, we spend a lot of time in our cars.

Does your car represent how you want to be?

You might not be driving your dream car right now, but keep it up like you are.

Start With a Clean Slate
Keep it clean inside and out.

When your car is clean, you are not embarrassed about people seeing or getting into your car.

The same goes for the energy.

Good energy likes to be around clean and organized places, including cars.

Who knows?  The next time you are not shy about giving someone a ride, he or she can be your connection to your new career, new relationship, or just someone who turns out to be the best friend you have always needed.

It’s even a safe thing to do, you don’t want empty water bottles or trash rolling around in your car, as it can get stuck in your brake peddle.

If you were to get into an accident those loose “things” in your car, they could hurt you or a passenger, even in a small accident.

Next Steps
Have fun creating some positive energy in your car!

For more help, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Kitchen Feng Shui

Feng Shui KitchenClutter instantly stagnates a room, bringing it’s energy levels down.

The kitchen is the heart of the home.

A kitchen that is welcoming brings the family together.

The food we place into our bodies deserves to be prepared in a fresh and clean environment which will help you live healthier.

Counter tops should be cleared of any appliances, even the toaster. Always have a place to store these things when they are not in use.

Don’t forget to keep that kitchen clean & organized!

For personalized assistance, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation.
Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Oh Baby! Fertility Feng Shui

Feng Shui Creativity / Children / Fertility -BabyYes! There is “Baby Chi” and Feng Shui can absolutely help you to get you pregnant.

Fertility is such a delicate thing because it can be affected so easily.

Feng Shui can help create a more balanced, harmonious, and relaxed environment for conception to occur.

Bedroom Matters

Is there a “distraction” in the bedroom that might be preventing you from having children?

Do you see a TV, books, piles of work, or bills?

These are all “distractions” from the bedroom’s Chi and also “Baby Chi”.

Also, what’s under the bed?

Are there old books, magazines, or even old toys?

Avoid using the underside of your bed for storage space.

If you are really tight for space and really need that extra storage, just make sure you are storing items that relate only to sleep or an infant baby in this case.

It may be okay to store clean bed sheets, bed covers, baby blankets, or baby bedding.

Feng Shui Creativity / Children / Fertility -Fertility

Make Room for Baby
These are the main issues that needs to be looked at, but you have to also look at your entire home.

Is there “space” for the addition?

If the entire house is filled with work, school, or other “stuff,” there isn’t any room for a new addition.

Enjoy the Moment
When your home is clean and welcoming of the new additional Chi, then it’s time to bring in the romance to the bedroom.

As an aside from Feng Shui, relax and enjoy what you are trying to do.

Don’t stress yourselves out.

I know it can be frustrating, but that frustrated energy is not conducive for conception.

Have fun making life!

Next Steps
For more information, read about the Children & Fertility and the Love & Marriage sections of the Bagua.

Fertility Feng Shui is a very complex and important topic.

For personalized assistance, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation.
Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Feng Shui with Purpose!

Feng Shui ClutterDon’t let your home look like this.

Purposeful organization of your home is essential to productivity.

By allowing yourself to bring Feng Shui into the home, you are setting yourself up for success in career, relationship (romantic or work), health, creativity, starting a family, knowledgefamily relationships and even creating wealth.

For more information on how you can achieve all of these things and more, start doing a little research on Feng Shui.

For personalized assistance, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation.
Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.
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