Ms. Feng Shui

Currently browsing: Bagua

Paint Your Future with Feng Shui

Feng Shui FamilyLook around your home and see what kind of artwork you have.

Do you see beautiful pictures of Spring, your ideal travel location or a picture of a happy couple or loving family?

These are the types of artwork you should see around your home.

Past, Present and Your Future

I come across a lot of clients with pieces of art that mean so much to them because it reminds them of the old times or the struggles they overcame, such as a weathered pier on a placid lake or a lonely country road.

Artwork may speak to the past, but do you really want to be stuck in the past?

A Hazy Shade of Winter

When on consultations, I also often see paintings of wintery, desolate landscapes or colorful Fall foliage.

I usually end up advising them to change out those paintings with beautiful Spring and Summer artwork.

Why? That’s when things are alive and growing!

You want your life to blossom and grow.

In Fall and Winter, on the other hand, most things are at the end of their seasonal lifecycles. Leaves turn and fall while plants wither and die.

Why would you want your home’s energy to be dying?

All the Single Ladies

iStock_000016384549XSmall-300x214I also see a lot of paintings of a beautiful and strong single woman, because many of my clients want to be like her.

Then again, these are typically also the clients who tell me they are looking for happiness and love. When I look around their house and especially at their artwork, however, all I see is the evidence of a lonely person.

If you would like to be in a happy relationship, then find the artwork that really speaks to happy relationships.

Find a painting of two people sitting together sharing a glass of wine, or a couple tango dancing or two people holding hands jumping off a plane together. Okay… maybe not that last one; but you get the idea!

Get Out of the Blue Period

Feng Shui ColorsThe types of artwork I recommend may not speak to your personality.

But, if you want to bring in good, active, creative energy, please stay away from all black and white pictures or paintings from sad, tormented artists.

Yes, artwork from those who cut off their ear or met their end at an early age might be worth big bucks. But, the only time they will be bringing in money for you is when you sell them.

While you hold onto such artwork, they will likely only drain energy from you and your home.

Next Steps

Surround yourself with art that defines something new and beautiful for you.  Don’t forget that the same holds true for your office as your home.

Paint your home with the future of your dreams. Consider this the first step in turning your dreams into your reality.

Learn more about Feng Shui Art, as well as the Love & Marriage corner of your space.

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Want to REALLY improve your situation? Contact me right now to inquire about a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation so I can help you pick the right artwork via Skype.

De-Clutter Your Friends

Virtual Feng Shui Consultationsfriend (noun) \ˈfrend\
1: a person connected to another by a mutual bond of affection or esteem
2: a person that is not hostile

In this day of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google+, take a look at how many “friends” you have in your social networks.

Be honest – are they truly your friends? How many of them do you actually enjoy spending time with vs. how many are simply acquaintances?

Eliminate Negativity

Now take a look at your updates or news feeds. Do any of your “friends” post consistently negative comments? Would you avoid them if you saw them in a public place?

Feng Shui ClutterYou will always hear me talking about eliminating the clutter in your space. Now get rid of the clutter on MySpace (or Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else you spend your time).

That’s right. Unsubscribe from the feeds or even un-friend those that do not provide you with positive energy.

Why let others fill your thoughts with negative complaints and anger? This only weighs you down emotionally!

Add Positivity

And don’t think that I’m suggesting you only do this on social networks. Find friends online and in real life that are truly friends – people who will lift you up and with whom you will have a mutual bond of affection or esteem.

Haven’t met any yet? Subscribe to the feeds of others with truly inspiring messages filled with positive energy.

Dalai LamaFor example, you may want to subscribe to the news feeds of Tony Robbins, Nick Vujicic, Oprah Winfrey or the Dalai Lama. And be sure to subscribe to mine, while you’re at it!

I can assure you that if you surround yourself with only uplifting people, you will have positive energy and you will only be attracted to more uplifting people in the future.

Public Service Announcement

If you are the person that likes to share every bad thing that happened in your day or you complain about everything to everyone: STOP!

You are reading my blog because you want to improve your life. Perhaps you have already cleaned out your house to welcome in good energy. Now you need to BE that good energy as well.

Oprah once said, “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”

I would like to add, “Be that person who will lift others around you.”

Next Steps

Leave a comment to publicly announce how you will surround yourself with positive people and be sure to read about the Helpful People & Relationships corners of your home.

Want to REALLY improve your situation?  For more help, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Clearing Out the Bed Feng Shui

Feng Shui Love / Relationships / Marriage -HeartSomeone forwarded me a hilarious Craigslist ad of a woman selling her mattress because she no longer wanted to sleep on the bed that she and her cheating ex-boyfriend used to share.

At first I simply enjoyed the ad because of the humor in the write-up.

Then I realized how, intentional-or-not, the person who posted the ad was practicing Feng Shui.

Feng Shui Space Clearing
By disposing of the old mattress, she was cleaning out bad relationship energy.

The seller was clearing a road for new a relationship to come into her life (hopefully someone more caring and faithful then her ex).

I’m not saying that everyone getting out of a relationship should dispose of their old mattress every time they break up with someone. The sheets, yes. Mattress? Probably not.

Advertise Availability
If you are ready to move on from a relationship, you need to make it known to the energy around you that you have cleared the space for someone new.

If you find yourself in this situation, let me ask you something: Do you still have a shoe box full of items from your previous relationships? Perhaps pictures, ticket stubs, dried out roses, love notes…?

Feng Shui Love / Relationships / Marriage -CoupleMove On
These things are holding you back emotionally from moving forward to meet that special someone who is right for you. When you hold onto them, they remind you of the past.

Instead, you should be looking forward to a new and better relationship to come.

This goes for everything in our lives, but especially for finding that special someone.

When you are ready to move on and ready to welcome someone special in your life, create some space for them… in your home and in your heart.

Just make sure you have a bed to sleep in after you’ve created the space!

I wish you and the Craigslist seller the best of luck in releasing yourselves from past experiences and moving toward brighter futures.

Next Steps
Leave a comment below with your plan to use Feng Shui to meet someone new.

Also, be sure to get more Feng Shui tips on finding Love and Marriage here.

For more help, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

I Feel a Change Coming On!

Feng Shui Creativity / Children / Fertility - Writer's BlockWho likes change? Well, I guess it has to be the right type of change.

And for so many of us, change can sometimes feel overwhelming and uncomfortable.

Let’s assume you aren’t happy with your job. And let’s be honest, chances are you didn’t want to come in to work this morning.

Is there something better out there?

What if you find another job and it turns out to be worse than the one you have?

What if you take that leap of faith and can’t find a job to replace your current income?

Well, let’s not take that leap quite yet.

Instead, let’s make strategic changes… the Feng Shui way! You see, I prefer to use Feng Shui to make the good jobs come to me.

We are going to start with the little things around the house and see how it feels.

And if the small changes you make don’t feel good, simply change them back.

If things work out with the small changes I suggest, however, keep making minor tweaks.

I Like to Move It – Move It!

Feng Shui Career / Business / Life PathStart by making some modifications to the layout of your furniture. Along the way, you’ll likely find some dust bunnies and loose change under the sofa. Clean up and pocket the change.

Have you had the same old artwork hanging on the walls? Do they represent who you want to be and what you want to do? If not, make changes using my suggestions from this prior post on artwork.

Things can start to look very different in a fresh way. Start accepting that fresh new feeling and start seeing yourself in that dream job.

Imagine yourself loving every minute of being at your job, surrounded by wonderful new co-workers and a team leader looking to cheer you on.

Start Welcoming in New Energy.

Feng Shui Red DoorYour front door is always seen as your Career area.

Wash and clean your front door area and wipe away those cobwebs by your door bell.

Make sure your door bell works and has an uplifting chime to it.

Leave your front porch light on at night to brighten up your career path.

Clean up or replace your welcome mat so that it is truly welcoming.

If you normally enter and exit your home through the doorway to the garage, start using your front door instead.

Seriously, park your car in the garage but walk out and go through your front door. Your front door is where all the energy comes in to fuel you and your family with positive energy.

It seems silly, I know. But, you’ll begin to see how, if cleaned up well, walking through your front door brightens your life.

Learn more about the Career area of your home here.

Fire it Up!

Feng Shui Fame & Reputation -ActingOnce you are ready to welcome in that change and new career, start firing it up!

By that, I mean go to the Fame and Reputation area of your home and add some fire elements to it.

It can be something as simple as a candle or a picture of something red.  Stars or other pointy objects work really well, too.

You can try hanging a red dress, a red tie, a red jacket or even a pair of red socks if your Fame and Reputation area is in a closet.

Be creative! This is your chance to call in that dream job you’ve always wanted! For some other ideas, learn a little more about the Fame and Reputation area.

Welcome Change

Now you can keep your eyes open for those new career opportunities to come to you! Don’t lay out the welcome mat for the new career only to let it pass you by.

Start welcoming change! Change is a good thing!

Especially if you didn’t initiate the change, it can feel overwhelming or just plain bad (like getting laid off).  But, you can make the most of even that change.

Did you really love that job? If it wasn’t for them letting you go, would you have ever looked for your dream job that you were always too scared to go for previously?

Use this time as a chance to go after your dream career! Don’t be scared of change; embrace it and let it work in your favor with Feng Shui!

Next Steps
Leave a comment below with some creative ideas about how you will change your environment through Feng Shui to improve your situation.

If you need some specific help, Ms. Feng Shui provides Virtual Feng Shui Consultations and Feng Shui Space Clearing for the home and office.

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Feng Shui: Compass or Bagua?

Using the colorful Bagua, we can now look at the individual areas so that we can determine how we affect and are affected by the Chi that flows through these segmented surroundings.

I often get prospective clients looking for a new Feng Shui consultant who invariably tell me a story that goes something like one of these:

Three years ago, she told me that I need to buy a home that faces east, but now everything in my life is terrible.  Do I really now need to change the direction of my front door?

I have been trying to calculate my direction with a compass, but I feel lost.  Can you help?

My husband’s Gua Number is 3 and my Gua Number is 6.  I was told that we have to sleep in opposite directions.  Is this true?

I have studied every school of Feng Shui, including those that would be considered compass schools.  While virtually all of the schools of Feng Shui will get you where you want to go, some are simply more practical for modern living.

As you see from the questions above, following Feng Shui compass schools can be confusing and ever-changing.  For many, it is simply not practical to change the direction of their front door every year or sleep in a different direction than their spouse.

Home Bagua OverlayThe school of Feng Shui that I concentrate on is called the Black Hat School of Feng Shui.  Rather than focusing on the compass, this school puts the focus on the Bagua and how it overlays on a home to control the flow of energy.

While still quite comprehensive and based on the same traditional Feng Shui methods of the other schools, Black Hat Feng Shui is easy-to-follow and helps you attract and harness the energy around your home, regardless of the direction of your front door.

Follows these links for more information on the differing Schools of Feng Shui and for information on the Feng Shui Bagua.

Learn how Ms. Feng Shui can provide virtual Feng Shui consultations for your home or office.

Stairway to Failure: Use Feng Shui to Fix Front Doors that Open to Stairs

This is a common issue I see in many homes.

Feng Shui Front Door Cures

About the only good Feng Shui in this home’s front door is the welcome mat!

Forces at Work
Having a front door open immediately to a stairway is going in the direction of financial failure, whether you are a home builder or a homeowner.

Here is the problem as it relates to Feng Shui: the gravity force of Chi energy coming down the stairs is greater than the incoming Chi from the door.

This symbolizes the loss of income and wealth, but also impacts all aspects of Feng Shui.  Whether you are the home builder or the homeowner, this is bad news.

Remember that the front door is always the Career & Life Path area of your home.

Feng Shui Cures
Now, I have solutions for home builders when I work with their designers.

But, what if you already own a home with such stairways or are seriously considering buying such a property where this is the only flaw?  Certainly remodeling to move the stairs isn’t practical.

The cure is to hang a crystal or a wind chime from the ceiling halfway between the base of the stairs and the front door.  The effect of this is to diffuse and spread the Chi as it comes down the stairs, preventing it from rushing out the front door with the incoming energy along with it.

By the way, the concern with the stairs is greatest when the distance between the door and stairs is less than double the height of the tallest person in the home.

Next Steps
Find out more about the Feng Shui consulting I provide for home builders and homeowners.

Have you noticed income problems in homes with a front door opening to the stairs?  Leave your comments below.

For more help, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

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