Ms. Feng Shui

5 Feng Shui Tips for RVs

I actually travel in an RV quite often. Other RVers frequently ask me if feng shui also applies to RVs. The short answer is YES! Here is my more thorough answer with some tips…

I love RVing because it provides my family with a unique opportunity to travel and explore new places while I consult with my clients. There’s nothing quite like having a beautifully energizing landscape just outside of our home on wheels. It’s also important to create a peaceful and harmonious environment inside your recreational vehicle, whether it is a motorhome, fifth wheel, travel trailer, camper van or truck camper. That’s where feng shui comes in. The design and layout of your RV has a significant impact on the overall energy of your living space on the go.

Here are five tips for applying basic feng shui principles to your RV:

  1. Follow the bagua. Overlay the bagua just as you would with the floorplan of a home, with the Career Area aligned with the main entry door of the RV. I think it is even easier with RVs to do this because you can usually download a floorplan from the manufacturer and they are almost exclusively rectangular, which is an ideal feng shui shape for a living space.
  2. Declutter and clean up. Your spouse is probably already telling you that your clutter in the RV is making your rig overweight. Now you’re going to get it from me, as well. You NEED to declutter, not only to stay under the manufacturer’s GVWR and save on fuel, but also to have a good flow of energy. Being clutter-free will help to create a sense of openness, which is essential for good feng shui.
  3. Use soft lighting. Soft, warm lighting can help to create a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere in your RV. Avoid harsh, bright lights and opt for dimmer switches to create a soothing ambiance. If you’re a boondocker, this provides a double-whammy by lowering your battery consumption.
  4. Choose calming colors. Use calm, neutral colors in your RV to create a sense of relaxation. Softer shades of blue, green, and pink are particularly soothing and can help to create a peaceful atmosphere.
  5. Incorporate the Five Elements. In feng shui, the Five Elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water) create an additional connection to nature. Incorporating them into your RV’s interior design will give you grounding properties, which helps provide calming energy.

If you’re a full-timer, I can’t stress enough the importance of applying feng shui to not only your RV, but also your storage unit and any other properties you have, even rental properties. Please leave a comment if you want more advanced feng shui tips for RVs. I hope to see you on the road!

If you need more specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui. Contact me today!


  1. Stephanie says:

    Thank you for this article. This is exactly what I was looking for. We moved into our rv full time.

    Feng Shui I felt is important to apply.

    I have difficulty sleeping in the bedroom, the circuit breakers and other system is under the bed. I can feel the energy. Trying to find solutions for this.

    This is article is a start. thank you

    • Jessie Kim says:

      Hi, Stephanie! Thank you so much for the positive feedback. Believe me, I understand how RVs can make you feel. I look forward to potentially working with you in the future!

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