Ms. Feng Shui

Feng Shui Cures for Unemployment

Let’s be honest: unemployment sucks. Being out of work is stressful and it can be challenging to stay positively motivated while looking for a new job. Feng shui can help to create a better environment so you can better navigate this difficult time.

Here are six feng shui tips I give to my individual consulting clients that have been out of work for a while:

  1. Declutter your space: I can’t stress enough that you need to get rid of clutter because it blocks the flow of positive energy. It’s important to keep your space organized to give you a better feeling of focus. Get rid of items that you no longer use and ensure your space looks well-organized.
  2. Check your doors: Make sure that all doors and cabinets – inside and out – open and close easily. No squeaks or other noises. No cobwebs or dust. Ensure that your front door and the area around it is clean and clutter-free and that you have a clear path from your front door to the street.
  3. Clean your windows: Make sure you can see your opportunities clearly by cleaning your windows. Again, get rid of the dust and cobwebs and make sure the glass itself is adequately clear. If your windows are generally covered, open them up during the day to let in some natural light to improve your mood.
  4. Activate the Career Area: The Career Area of your home or office is located just as you walk through the front door. Again, make sure this area is clean and clutter-free. Because water is the element of the Career Area, you could add a fountain or artwork that shows water calmly flowing in towards the interior of your home.
  5. Practice daily affirmations: Positive affirmations will help you shift your mindset so that you can focus on your goals. Write down your affirmations that relate to your job search, such as “I am confident and capable in my job search” or “I am open to receiving new opportunities.” Read them aloud to yourself twice daily.
  6. De-clutter your friends: The people around you can have a significant impact on your job search and career success. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family that will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. If you’re having trouble here, you may want to de-clutter your friends.

Feng shui can be a helpful tool to support your job search and create a positive environment. Follow the above steps so you can create an energy flow that supports your success and well-being. Good luck on your career journey!

If you need more specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui. Contact me today!

How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom

The bedroom is a key space in the home and can have a big impact on your sleep and overall well-being. When I consult with my clients, we typically focus a lot of attention to this area. By incorporating the principles of feng shui into your bedroom design, you can create a peaceful and harmonious space that promotes relaxation and rest. Here are some tips for feng shui-ing your bedroom:

  1. Choose a calm and neutral color palette. Soft, neutral colors such as white, beige, and pale blue can create a sense of tranquility and relaxation in the bedroom. Avoid bright, bold colors that can be stimulating and overwhelming.
  2. Incorporate natural elements. Nature has a calming and grounding effect, so incorporating natural elements such as plants, stones, and wood can help create a sense of balance and harmony in your bedroom.
  3. Use soft lighting. Bright, harsh lighting can be jarring and stressful, so it’s best to use soft, indirect lighting in the bedroom. You can use candles, dimmer switches, or low-wattage bulbs to create a soothing ambiance. Use blackout curtains, as well.
  4. Keep the bedroom clutter-free. Clutter can create a sense of chaos and disrupt the flow of energy, so it’s important to keep the bedroom clean and organized. Make sure to regularly declutter the space and remove any unnecessary items to maintain a sense of calm and order.
  5. Choose comfortable and relaxing materials. The materials you use in your bedroom can have a big impact on the energy of the space. Soft, comfortable materials such as plush blankets and pillows can create a sense of relaxation and comfort. Avoid hard, cold materials such as marble or concrete that can feel uninviting.
  6. Position the bed in a commanding position. In feng shui, it’s important to position the bed in a “commanding position,” which means that it should be placed in a spot where you can see the door but not directly in line with it. This helps to create a sense of protection and security in the bedroom.
  7. Reduce electronics. EMF devices like televisions and cell phones should be removed from the bedroom, if at all possible. The only electronic devices I like to see are a white noise sound machine and soft lighting.

By following these tips and using the principles of feng shui in your bedroom design, you can create a peaceful and harmonious space that promotes relaxation and rest.

If you need guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m always available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui.  Contact me today!

© 2024 Ms. Feng Shui