Ms. Feng Shui

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Find the Love of Your Life with Feng Shui!

Feng Shui Love / Relationships / Marriage -CoupleAre you ready for a serious relationship?

Do you want to find that ideal husband or wife?

Do you want to share your life with a special someone?

Why not ask for it in the language of Feng Shui?

Define Your Love
First, write down what kind of qualities you would like in your mate.

Then, write that list as a Thank You note.  The more detailed, the better.

I am thankful that I have found the love of my life.  I am thankful that he/she understands me.  I am thankful that he/she loves my family like their own.  I am thankful that my family loves him/her.  I am thankful that he/she is a successful, healthy, attractive, talented, sensitive, funny… person.

Feng Shui Love / Relationships / Marriage -Umbrella

Bedroom Matters
Look in your bedroom.

Does it seem welcoming for a mate?

Does it have two pillows instead of one on the bed?

Does the bed have room for someone to come in from the other side of the bed?

Do your night stands balance each other?

Try having matching night stands and lights on either side of your bed.

Balance in two, one for you and one for the other person.

Make Room for Love
Even if you haven’t found “the one” yet, you need to create room in your home for that special someone to come into your life.

Check your closet as well.

Does it have room for the other person to “move in”?

You have to create space in order for it to get filled up with what you want.

In-Home Advertising
If your bedroom and your house are screaming, “I am single,” then that’s the message you are sending out to the Universe.

If you have a house or bedroom that looks welcoming for someone else, then that’s the energy you will attract.

Next Steps
For more information on finding love, read up on the Love & Marriage corner of your Bagua.

Good luck finding the love of your life!

For personalized assistance, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation.
Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Kitchen Feng Shui

Feng Shui KitchenClutter instantly stagnates a room, bringing it’s energy levels down.

The kitchen is the heart of the home.

A kitchen that is welcoming brings the family together.

The food we place into our bodies deserves to be prepared in a fresh and clean environment which will help you live healthier.

Counter tops should be cleared of any appliances, even the toaster. Always have a place to store these things when they are not in use.

Don’t forget to keep that kitchen clean & organized!

For personalized assistance, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation.
Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Oh Baby! Fertility Feng Shui

Feng Shui Creativity / Children / Fertility -BabyYes! There is “Baby Chi” and Feng Shui can absolutely help you to get you pregnant.

Fertility is such a delicate thing because it can be affected so easily.

Feng Shui can help create a more balanced, harmonious, and relaxed environment for conception to occur.

Bedroom Matters

Is there a “distraction” in the bedroom that might be preventing you from having children?

Do you see a TV, books, piles of work, or bills?

These are all “distractions” from the bedroom’s Chi and also “Baby Chi”.

Also, what’s under the bed?

Are there old books, magazines, or even old toys?

Avoid using the underside of your bed for storage space.

If you are really tight for space and really need that extra storage, just make sure you are storing items that relate only to sleep or an infant baby in this case.

It may be okay to store clean bed sheets, bed covers, baby blankets, or baby bedding.

Feng Shui Creativity / Children / Fertility -Fertility

Make Room for Baby
These are the main issues that needs to be looked at, but you have to also look at your entire home.

Is there “space” for the addition?

If the entire house is filled with work, school, or other “stuff,” there isn’t any room for a new addition.

Enjoy the Moment
When your home is clean and welcoming of the new additional Chi, then it’s time to bring in the romance to the bedroom.

As an aside from Feng Shui, relax and enjoy what you are trying to do.

Don’t stress yourselves out.

I know it can be frustrating, but that frustrated energy is not conducive for conception.

Have fun making life!

Next Steps
For more information, read about the Children & Fertility and the Love & Marriage sections of the Bagua.

Fertility Feng Shui is a very complex and important topic.

For personalized assistance, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation.
Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Use Feng Shui to Improve Your Sleep

Feng Shui for Better Sleep -TelevisionLook around your bedroom.

What do you see?

How does it make you feel?

Does it look peaceful, relaxing, and calming?

Or, do you see it as a place where you can read, catch up on social media, watch TV, and finish up your work?

Your bedroom should be a place where you can unwind and recharge for the next day; not a place where you work or study.

Serenity; Not Energy
The biggest issue I find with my clients who have trouble sleeping is that they have a huge plasma TV in their bedroom, stacks of books or a cellphone on the bedside table, or use the underside of their bed for storage.

Remove those items from your bedroom and create a warm, welcoming, relaxing bedroom that you want to SLEEP in – not where you want to work.

Electronic devices are a no-no in general. The only exceptions should be soft lighting and a white noise sound machine.

Light disturbs sleep patterns, so I suggest blackout curtains and other methods to prevent light in your space while you sleep.

If you are a student who has to study in your one bedroom, put your books away when you are done with them.

For instance, put those books in a bookshelf or in your backpack, where you don’t have to look at them when you are laying in your bed.

Don’t study in your bed.  Your bed should be a place for you to recharge your energy and not a place to stimulate your brain.

Bed Placement
Be careful of the placement of your bed.

Make sure that your bed is not straight in line with your doorway into the room.

Also, make sure that the reflection of mirrors do not intersect your bed.

Next Steps
For more information on how to Feng Shui your bedroom, read up on the
Relationship corner of the Bagua.

Get cracking on that bedroom and get some sleep!

For more immediate help, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Front Doors and Feng Shui

Feng Shui Front Door Cures

About the only good Feng Shui in this home’s front door is the welcome mat!

What do you see when you open the front door into your home?

Do you see your back door to the patio? Do you see a fire place? How about the stairs?

If these things are the very first thing you see as soon as you open your door into your house, your Feng Shui energy flowing into your house called Chi can go straight out the back door, out the chimney and up the stairs, all before it can give energy to any other parts of the house.

Sometimes, such door placements can also drain the energy of the house.

You might feel like the house is sucking the life right out of you.

You can slow down the energy going striaght out by putting some plants in it’s pathway or use some red tape to slow down the energy.

You might even be able to use a crystal to spread that Chi around, just as the same crystal spreads light around.

For more information about the area around your front door, read about the Career /Business / Life Path section of your Bagua.

Don’t let your energy drain away.

For more immediate help, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation.

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Can’t Sleep at Night? Use Feng Shui Cures.

Feng Shui for Better Sleep -BooksWhat’s in your bedroom?

Your bedroom should be a place of peace and quiet; a place where you can go at the end of the day and unwind….

Your bedroom should not be a place to eat, watch TV, scroll on your phone, or read.

When you are laying in your bed, do you see clutter in your room?

Is there a mirror facing your bed?

Is there “stuff” on top and inside your night stand that does not belong in the bedroom?

Make sure that bedroom is a place of relaxation.

Don’t store things under the bed.

Eliminate sources of EMF stimulation cellphones and televisions. The only electronic device should be a white noise sound machine.

Light disturbs sleep patterns, so I suggest blackout curtains and other methods to block light while you sleep.

If you are living in a one bedroom home that doesn’t have a lot of space?
Then make sure things can be put away in containers or cabinets where you don’t have to see them when you go to sleep or when you wake up.
If you are going to invest time cleaning and redecorating a room in your house, redo the bedroom that you spend most of your time in.
Remember, your bedroom is a place for relaxation, peace, and rejuvenation; a place of love.
When you get a good night’s rest, you are more likely to get things done throughout the day.
Increased productivity could equal to more money as well.
For more information on what you should do with your bedroom, take a look at your Relationship Corner.
Feng Shui your way to good sleep.

For more help related to your situation, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

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