Ms. Feng Shui

In It To Win It With Feng Shui

Watching the Olympics this year reminds me that getting to the top is hard work.

Take the sliding events like the luge, skeleton and bobsled as an example.

Feng Shui Winning

In order to be successful at the sliding events, you have to know when to control your sled and when to just let go, allowing that downhill energy to take over.

In order to have a strong race, however, you need to have a strong start.

Feng Shui is no different.

Do you want change in your life? I mean real change.

Are you ready for a new career, a passionate relationship or to get some seriously positive recognition?

If so, read on…

Feng Shui Love / Relationships / Marriage -Couple

Where to Stop
Do you find yourself undermining your own efforts with negative self-talk?

If so, STOP IT!

Do you find that you surround yourself with objects and artwork that reminds you of negative parts of your past without focusing on your fantastic future?

If so, STOP IT!

If you find that stopping is difficult, let me remind you of something:

If you keep doing what you’ve always been doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always been getting.

It’s time for something new.

Where to Start
If you want something different, you need to change your surroundings and change your thinking.

But, sometimes we need an energy boost to really make all of the changes that are necessary.  Where do we start?

Career & Life Path
Target your Career & Life Path Area first, especially if things in your life have stagnated.

Feng Shui River Flowing in Career Area

The Career Area is near where all of that Feng Shui energy called Chi flows into your home or office at the front door.

Ensure that this area has a clear and clean doorway. In other words, neatly organize or put away the piles of shoes and jackets.

The element for this area is water. A working water fountain, a mirror, or a picture of a calm river flowing into the house would be great here.

Fame & Reputation
Now it is time for you to boost your confidence by paying some attention to the Fame & Reputation Area of your home or office.

Feng Shui Fame & Reputation -Fireplace

Your key color in this area is red… make it dominant and bright.

The primary element here is fire. Add candles, a picture of the Olympic torch, or something else representative of fire here.

Next Steps
After a few days with the above changes, you should feel energized and in control of your life.

Don’t let this new-found energy go to waste.  Use it to make changes to the other areas of your home or office using the Feng Shui Bagua.

After you’re done making the changes necessary to change your life, you simply need to learn when to let go and have the Feng Shui energy take over.

Who knows… maybe you’ll be on top of the podium for luge in 2018. Enjoy the ride!

If things still feel stagnant for you after making the above changes, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation because I want to help you win! 

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Valentine’s Day Feng Shui

Love is in the air… or is it?

Feng Shui Love / Relationships / Marriage -Umbrella

Are you still looking for true love this Valentine’s Day?

If you have been looking and have yet to find “the one,” don’t fret.  There are several things you can do around your home to attract that special someone.

First off, close your eyes and take at least five minutes to imagine what your life would be like if you had the man or woman of your dreams as your partner.

Think of what you want your life to be like with this person, not what you think you need to give up or who you need to be in order to have just anyone in your life.

Let your mind go crazy and when you are done, write down the senses that you can remember. How does being in that relationship feel, look, taste and smell? Jot down colors, scents, flavors, etc.

Now jot down the things you remember doing together in your daydream and your moods during those activities.

Now, using what you imagined, start to plan out changes in your home to remind you of that perfect relationship.

Bring out the senses to reflect the energy that you are looking for.

The point here is to use your senses to frequently bring you back to the way your dream relationship made you feel.

For instance, if you saw yourself on horseback, riding with your ideal partner, plan to find artwork of a couple of horses (always ensure the art includes the full bodies of the horses).

Feng Shui Health - Meditation

If you saw yourself meditating by the beach, plan on finding such artwork.

If you smelled roses, plan to get some pure rose essential oil or organic scented candles to match.

Before you implement any of the above, you need some guidelines.

Pair Off
Make sure to eliminate lonely items. I can’t harp on this enough.

To continue with the above example, make sure you have a couple riding on a pair of horses rather than a lonely person riding a horse. Just as important, make sure that there aren’t three people on horses (unless you want a third wheel in your relationship).

Feng Shui Love / Relationships / Marriage -Bed

Also, make sure you have two sleeping pillows on your bed and two sets of towels hanging in the bathroom. You get the idea.

If I inspect your home, I don’t want to see a lonely ballerina statue or a single man standing on a wave-beaten lighthouse.

Let Your Love Flow
Chi is an energy that must be given room to flow. As such, make sure your Love Corner and all other areas of your home are clean and organized.

Make Room
Even if you aren’t with someone right now, make room for someone special in your life. Is there enough closet space for them? How about room in the medicine cabinet?

Let’s get more granular. Do you still have evidence of prior relationships? Pictures, love notes, coffee mugs… anything that reminds you of your exes? If feasible, get rid of them. As long as you hold onto these objects, you don’t make room in your heart for someone new.

If you can’t seem to let go of a prior relationship, a Feng Shui Space Clearing may be required.

Now it is time to implement the things you wrote down about your dream. Using guidelines from the various sections of the Feng Shui Bagua, implement these items throughout your house.

Feng Shui Love / Relationships / Marriage -Heart

As an example, the colors and elements from the Health Area should not look like a bottle of Pepto Bismol exploded pink everywhere. Likewise, if you need to put the picture of the couple on horseback in your Family Area, it would be best served with a green wooden frame. Further, you would want to have any scented candles in your Fame & Reputation Area or your Love Corner instead of your Career Area.

Love Corner
Make sure all of the areas of your Feng Shui Bagua are setup correctly, but also be sure to focus some time reviewing my Love Corner page. There are several additional tips and points that are specific to this area of your home and your bedroom.

Final Thoughts
Be honest with yourself and with others.  Love who you are and be proud of it!

Do not try to be what you are not. Tell the world exactly what you are looking for and the world will be more likely to give you exactly what you want.

Feng Shui Love / Relationships / Marriage -Couple

Who knows… that perfect someone who loves horseback riding and has a greenhouse full of orchids may be at your next house party. How will they ever know that you are looking for them unless you advertise with a detailed description?

Next Steps
It wouldn’t hurt to display your dream at work, too.  You never know who might walk past your desk!

If you are having trouble, a professional space-clearing may be needed to get your home’s energy moving again.

When you start to see some positive results, contact me to schedule a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation because I want to help you make sure everything is on the right track!

Is this even a good year for you to find love? A Personalized Numerology Reading may be just the thing you need to make sure you won’t be fighting an uphill battle this year.

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

2014: Year of the Wooden Horse

Happy Lunar New Year!

Feng Shui 2014 Wooden Horse

In Feng Shui (and for many Asian groups), this is the “real” time to celebrate the New Year.  We often hear it called Chinese New Year, Korean New Year, etc.

Complete with the tradition of handing out little red envelopes of money to friends and children, this is an exciting time for people around the world.

Are you ready to make it exciting for you, too, by learnin how to generate some wealth in 2014?

Before we begin, have you cleaned out the clutter you may have collected during the holidays? If not, click here to review what needs to be done.

Clear the View

Now that we are de-cluttered, we need to begin the new year with a clean house.

Start by wiping down all of the door handles around the house to welcome in new opportunities for 2014.

Feng Shui Window Horse

Wash your windows to see things more clearly in this year of the horse. If you can’t see out, how do you know how far you can run?

So, your house is all clean, as well as clutter- and dust-free so that you can welcome in the new energy for 2014.

Now it is time to check your purse and wallets and all of your jacket and pants pockets. Clear some space for the incoming wealth energy!

The Lost Wallet

Before I get to that, I have a little story:

Feng Shui Old Wallet

We found somebody’s old wallet on the ground in a parking lot the other day. It was completely filled with junk… old business cards, receipts, about ten credit cards, etc.

Once we found the driver license, we promptly drove to the address listed and found the owner. The home and the wallet’s owner looked as worn and tattered as the wallet.

The owner of the wallet was surprised he had even lost it and showed us the wallet-sized hole in his back pocket. “It happens all of the time,” he said. Really?

There is a lesson here…

Make Space for Wealth

Clean out all of the old receipts and business cards you collected in 2013 (or maybe even further back for some of us).

Feng Shui Disorganized Purse

Get rid of used tissues (and commit to never replacing them), outgrown childrens’ toys, expired coupons, stale chewing gum… whatever it may be. Clean it all out!

If you have unnecessary identification cards, membership cards and credit cards, take them out.

Now, wipe down or clean your purse or wallet and patch up all of the holes in your pockets.

If you can wash your purse, then wash it. If it’s a nice leather purse or wallet, then find a leather cleaner to bring that new shine back to your most central symbol of wealth.

Welcome in the new wealth by creating a clean and welcoming space for that 2014 cash to find a home!

Make It Red

If you are in the market for a new purse or wallet, look into investing in an attractive red one. Red has the energy to attract as well as to deflect.

Feng Shui Red Wallet

Contact me if you are interested in getting one of these wallets!

In this case, we are using red to attract the wealth and prevent the draining of wealth.

Moreover, red promotes ambition and determination. It gives confidence to those who are shy and lack positive will power.

Who couldn’t use more of that energy in the pursuit of wealth this year?

The Bagua’s Wealth Corner

Don’t forget to spend a little time learning about the Bagua and the Wealth/Prosperity/Money Corner, in particular.  Don’t neglect the other areas, however!

Next Steps
If things don’t start out quite right for you, a professional space-clearing or personalized Feng Shui consultation may be needed to get your home’s energy moving again.

Contact me right now to inquire about a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation or a Personalized Numerology Reading because I want to help you get 2014 off to a great start!

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

© 2024 Ms. Feng Shui