Ms. Feng Shui

In It To Win It With Feng Shui

Watching the Olympics this year reminds me that getting to the top is hard work.

Take the sliding events like the luge, skeleton and bobsled as an example.

Feng Shui Winning

In order to be successful at the sliding events, you have to know when to control your sled and when to just let go, allowing that downhill energy to take over.

In order to have a strong race, however, you need to have a strong start.

Feng Shui is no different.

Do you want change in your life? I mean real change.

Are you ready for a new career, a passionate relationship or to get some seriously positive recognition?

If so, read on…

Feng Shui Love / Relationships / Marriage -Couple

Where to Stop
Do you find yourself undermining your own efforts with negative self-talk?

If so, STOP IT!

Do you find that you surround yourself with objects and artwork that reminds you of negative parts of your past without focusing on your fantastic future?

If so, STOP IT!

If you find that stopping is difficult, let me remind you of something:

If you keep doing what you’ve always been doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always been getting.

It’s time for something new.

Where to Start
If you want something different, you need to change your surroundings and change your thinking.

But, sometimes we need an energy boost to really make all of the changes that are necessary.  Where do we start?

Career & Life Path
Target your Career & Life Path Area first, especially if things in your life have stagnated.

Feng Shui River Flowing in Career Area

The Career Area is near where all of that Feng Shui energy called Chi flows into your home or office at the front door.

Ensure that this area has a clear and clean doorway. In other words, neatly organize or put away the piles of shoes and jackets.

The element for this area is water. A working water fountain, a mirror, or a picture of a calm river flowing into the house would be great here.

Fame & Reputation
Now it is time for you to boost your confidence by paying some attention to the Fame & Reputation Area of your home or office.

Feng Shui Fame & Reputation -Fireplace

Your key color in this area is red… make it dominant and bright.

The primary element here is fire. Add candles, a picture of the Olympic torch, or something else representative of fire here.

Next Steps
After a few days with the above changes, you should feel energized and in control of your life.

Don’t let this new-found energy go to waste.  Use it to make changes to the other areas of your home or office using the Feng Shui Bagua.

After you’re done making the changes necessary to change your life, you simply need to learn when to let go and have the Feng Shui energy take over.

Who knows… maybe you’ll be on top of the podium for luge in 2018. Enjoy the ride!

If things still feel stagnant for you after making the above changes, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation because I want to help you win! 

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