Ms. Feng Shui

Fertility Feng Shui

Have you been trying to conceive for a while but still have no bun in the oven? It may surprise you that it could have something to do with the Feng Shui energy in your home. Feng Shui can help you create a more balanced and relaxed environment for conception. When trying to conceive, two things should always be addressed: the couple and the home. Read on to find out how you can harness and direct the chi in your home to help you create your new bundle of joy.

Improving Fertility Feng Shui in the Home

The first place you can look to improve your fertility Feng Shui is right outside your front door! In Feng Shui, the door is considered the “mouth of chi,” so it’s where all of the energy enters the home. This is why it’s important to make sure there is open space here, meaning there’s nothing in the direct line with your front door such as a tree, car, or other object. It’s also important to avoid plant overgrowth in this area. Think about allowing fresh, healthy energy to enter and flow throughout your home.

The next place to focus on is the Children & Creativity Area of the home. Using elements to activate this part of your home, which is located at the center/right portion of your home’s floor plan, can help. These elements include: The shape of a circle, a metal element, white and/or metallic colors, as well as accessories representing mothers, babies & children, and families. An example of this might be to get a circle-shaped metal frame, paint it in a metallic color and use it to display a picture of a happy family.

Bump That Bed

We have great news! There’s a lot you can do in your marital bedroom to help with your fertility Feng Shui. Before doing anything else, though, we recommend cleaning and clearing the clutter first. Want to know the Feng Shui gold standard for improving your conception chances in the bedroom? Shifting the bed a bit to the left or right. That’s simple enough right? While you’re working on the bed, it’s also a good idea to flip the mattress over.


Get that vacuuming under the bed out of the way now… and then hold off during the time you’re trying to conceive, throughout the pregnancy and even a few weeks after the baby is born. While cleaning now, it’s a good idea to remove any items unrelated to rest and romance from the room. This includes exercise equipment, televisions, and work objects such as computers. Doing this will create a more fertility-friendly space where romance can be nurtured.

Don’t forget to address the problem areas such as overcrowded closets or cluttered rooms. Cleaning will help allow new fertile, creative energy to enter your life. Once everything is clean, give yourself a pat on the back! You’ve just helped increase your chances of conception. Yay!

The Relationship Corner

Oooo La La! It’s time to talk about pointers for creating a healthy and romantic Relationship Corner in the bedroom. From the doorway, take a closer look at the far right corner of the room, as this is the Relationship Corner. Focus on this area is suggested for optimal fertility Feng Shui chi. You can help to activate this area with several things that might help. These include items that represent romance to the couple, the color red, the shape of a square and an Earth element (such as a vase). Whenever possible, try to use items in pairs, such as two of the same lamps, pillows, etc.


In Feng Shui, colors are important, and it’s no different in the bedroom. For instance, sleeping on green sheets will help remove any energy blockages and heal any disease or ailment that may be preventing conception from occurring. It’s also believed that green sheets will allow for a healthy pregnancy to implant.

Painting the wall behind the marital bed yellow can also help in conception efforts. The colors yellow and orange are most associated with fertility in Feng Shui since these are the colors of children’s energy. Only a bit of yellow and orange will do since they are is also stimulating colors that can prevent rest if overused.

If this seems like too many colors, just focus on one or two. Another way to approach it might be to use touches of these colors, like green sheets with corresponding pillows that have some yellow and orange in them, or green sheets with a piece of framed artwork (in a square frame) of a happy family that has orange and yellow tied in somehow. Perhaps use a metal frame with baby chicks. There are so many ways to make Feng Shui doable for you.


The use of symbols is another important element of Feng Shui. There are lots of different symbols you can represent in the bedroom. It’s important to choose just one or two that you might have in your home already or that stand out for you, and focus on those. In other words, you don’t need to feel overwhelmed and get one of every symbol related to fertility. It’s all about creating the perfect energy and surrounding yourself with things that relate best to you or that you love.

Next Steps

There are so many ways to make your bedroom a romantic, fertility-friendly space. I have given you a lot of ideas to add to your fertility Feng Shui tool box. Take the ideas that are both doable and meaningful for you, and put them to work in your home. The ultimate goal is to use Feng Shui to create a positive environment in which miracles can occur. Happy baby-making!

If you need guidance on how to improve your space and your life, I’m always available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a consultation. Better Feng Shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

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Putting Yourself First with Feng Shui

The kiddos are heading back to school soon (happy dance!), which means a change in weather and in daily routine. If you’re like me, you spend the majority of your time making sure everyone else is fed, has what they need, and are relatively happy. But when is the last time you put yourself first? If you can’t remember the last time you did something you enjoyed before becoming a mom, it’s time to make adjustments.

Just as they tell you when boarding an airplane, before putting the oxygen mask on someone else put it on yourself first. Putting yourself and your needs first may seem impossible right now, but by making it a part of your daily routine and adjusting your schedule to make sure you have a healthy balance in the mind and body is critical and will benefit you and your entire family.

So how does putting yourself first come into play when talking about Feng Shui? Feng Shui is more than just how you arrange items in your home. You can apply it to many different aspects of your life. You can also apply it to keeping yourself fresh and energized.

If you spend your time anxious and stressed, you’ll be feeding that energy into your surroundings and the people around you. It is necessary to care for ourselves before we can care for others.

The good news is that there are so many little things you can do to take care of you. Are you a list maker? First, sit in a place you love with your favorite beverage, and look around you. If it’s a quiet place, even better. After having the kiddos home all summer, the quiet is like music to your ears.

Take the time to breathe, and try to let go of that stress that’s been weighing you down. Think about the things you enjoy doing the most, that keep you both healthy and happy, and write them down. Once they are written down, it’s a lot easier to think about how you can fit a few of them into your weekly routine.

Having a healthy balance of mind and spirit is a great way to put more pep in your step. So adding things like eating food that is good for your body, maintaining a healthy space, taking time to exercise, and getting enough sleep are all important. Meditation, tai chi, and yoga are great relaxation techniques, or kick boxing and doing a bit of one or all of these each day will help you manage stress levels so you can maintain inner peace. I can feel my stress levels depleting already!

As your stress levels decrease, you can start to look around you with a greater appreciation of life’s basic pleasures and replace that with the “must have” items people seem to crave. You’ll find yourself doing things because you love them and not just for money or achievement. How rewarding that is!

Remember to do the things that make you feel pampered, as well! If you enjoy going to get a manicure and pedicure, or getting a massage, add it to your list. A great way to keep the energy flowing and help you feel great is to freshen up your image and look. Think about how good you feel after getting your hair done or when wearing that new outfit or even a new lipstick. Looking better will help you feel better and give you more energized confidence.

While home, look around you and YOUR bedroom. Everything in your environment affects your energy — positively or negatively. So, surround yourself with things you love, that inspire you, that are associated with happy memories, or just things that make you feel good. The items you surround yourself with should express who you are and be beautiful. Let go of things that you don’t need, don’t use, are broken, or you don’t feel good about. Once they leave, so will the negative energy associated with them.

Check out these benefits you’ll experience when putting yourself first:

  • Better health, making you feel more rested, more revitalized and more inspired!
  • More energy, which means your to-do list is actually getting done, like today!
  • More harmony in your mind and body
  • More fun! When putting yourself first, you might find that it seems like you have more time in the day to really enjoy the abundance you have worked so hard to create.

Next Steps

Are you ready, excited even, to make your list and start doing the things YOU love to do? I’m excited for you! You’ve already mastered taking care of everyone else, it’s time to take care of yourself, too.

Do things because they make you feel good, inspired, inside and out, but not always for achievement or money. You’ll be able to better care for everyone else, and be happy to do it, if you care for yourself first. What is one thing from your list that you can do today? Your mind, body, and family will thank you for it! Cheers to a healthier and happier you!

If you need guidance on how to improve your space and your life, I’m always available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a consultation. Better Feng Shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

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© 2024 Ms. Feng Shui