Ms. Feng Shui

Buying a New Home? Ensure it Has Good Feng Shui.

Real Estate Feng Shui for BuyersWhen you are looking to buy a home, this is your biggest opportunity to ensure the greatest Feng Shui gains.

So, here are a few major things that we should consider in a home.

Where to Start
A big tree in front of the house (bigger then the home itself) is bad.

Also, you should keep the placement of the front door in mind.

When you open the front door into the house what do you see straight ahead of you?

If it’s a door that is in line with your stairs, back door or a fireplace, the Feng Shui energy, or “Chi”, can quickly escape without providing your household elements any benefit.

Ideal Feng Shui House Shapes
Is the house in a nice geometrical shape of a square or rectangular shape?

This is ideal for Feng Shui.

Odd-shaped homes can be quite difficult to Feng Shui appropriately.

Further, you could be completely missing a section of the Feng Shui bagua with some odd-shaped homes.

Street Placement
The home’s placement on the street can be quite important, as well.

We generally don’t like homes that lay at the top-center of a T-intersection.

We also don’t like the end of the street, so stay away from cul-de-sac homes.

We like a home that backs up to a nicely kept hill, as the hill can offer protection.

Real Estate Feng Shui

Next Steps
These are just some of the things to look out for when looking to buy a new home.

But, this doesn’t mean that there is no hope for homes that have any of these things.

There are cures for many of the problems listed above.

It would be best to bring in a Feng Shui consultant to give you some advice regarding your new home before you buy and again before moving in.

This will ensure that you get the maximum benefit of positive energy through Feng Shui.

Good luck finding that perfect home!

Check out my newer blog post with a home buying checklist for great Feng Shui.

As a specialist in real estate Feng Shui, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Use Feng Shui to Improve Your Sleep

Feng Shui for Better Sleep -TelevisionLook around your bedroom.

What do you see?

How does it make you feel?

Does it look peaceful, relaxing, and calming?

Or, do you see it as a place where you can read, catch up on social media, watch TV, and finish up your work?

Your bedroom should be a place where you can unwind and recharge for the next day; not a place where you work or study.

Serenity; Not Energy
The biggest issue I find with my clients who have trouble sleeping is that they have a huge plasma TV in their bedroom, stacks of books or a cellphone on the bedside table, or use the underside of their bed for storage.

Remove those items from your bedroom and create a warm, welcoming, relaxing bedroom that you want to SLEEP in – not where you want to work.

Electronic devices are a no-no in general. The only exceptions should be soft lighting and a white noise sound machine.

Light disturbs sleep patterns, so I suggest blackout curtains and other methods to prevent light in your space while you sleep.

If you are a student who has to study in your one bedroom, put your books away when you are done with them.

For instance, put those books in a bookshelf or in your backpack, where you don’t have to look at them when you are laying in your bed.

Don’t study in your bed.  Your bed should be a place for you to recharge your energy and not a place to stimulate your brain.

Bed Placement
Be careful of the placement of your bed.

Make sure that your bed is not straight in line with your doorway into the room.

Also, make sure that the reflection of mirrors do not intersect your bed.

Next Steps
For more information on how to Feng Shui your bedroom, read up on the
Relationship corner of the Bagua.

Get cracking on that bedroom and get some sleep!

For more immediate help, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Feng Shui Your Office Space, Even Your Cubicle!

Feng Shui Your OfficeYou spend most of your waking hours in your office space.

So, why not Feng Shui it to maximize many aspects of your life, not just your career?

Increase Productivity
You can increase your productivity by having your desk facing the “right” direction and by having a few well-placed elements in your office.

Doing so can bring you power, respect, and offer new opportunities as well.

You can even Feng Shui your cubicle!

Protect Yourself
Of utmost importance is to make sure your back is not turned to the office door.
If you can make sure you have a clear view of the door, you can see who is coming into your office or to your cubicle.
If your back is turned to the door and there is no way you can change the position of your desk, then add a mirror in front of you so you can see the door that is behind you.
The placement and inclusion of objects in your office is just as important here as it is in your home.
“Protect yourself” with some tall plants or short trees over your shoulders in the back of your office.
Money plants are best, for obvious reasons.
Be Powerful
Remember those “power ties”?  They weren’t that far off base.
Include some powerful images or awards on the back wall across from your door.
Traveling too much for work?  Make sure there isn’t a map or globe in your Travel section.
Desk Feng Shui
Your desk even has its own Feng Shui.
To determine the direction of the bagua over your desk, pretend that your chair is the front door.
As such, make sure to keep business cards of your customers and vendors in the drawer to your right, the Helpful People section of your desk.
Next Steps
To maximize your career, read up on the Career section of the Bagua.
To find out how I can provide the Feng Shui assistance you need in your business, contact me right now to inquire about an In-Office Feng Shui Consultation.

I wish you the utmost success in using Feng Shui to improve your business and work life.

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

Front Doors and Feng Shui

Feng Shui Front Door Cures

About the only good Feng Shui in this home’s front door is the welcome mat!

What do you see when you open the front door into your home?

Do you see your back door to the patio? Do you see a fire place? How about the stairs?

If these things are the very first thing you see as soon as you open your door into your house, your Feng Shui energy flowing into your house called Chi can go straight out the back door, out the chimney and up the stairs, all before it can give energy to any other parts of the house.

Sometimes, such door placements can also drain the energy of the house.

You might feel like the house is sucking the life right out of you.

You can slow down the energy going striaght out by putting some plants in it’s pathway or use some red tape to slow down the energy.

You might even be able to use a crystal to spread that Chi around, just as the same crystal spreads light around.

For more information about the area around your front door, read about the Career /Business / Life Path section of your Bagua.

Don’t let your energy drain away.

For more immediate help, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation.

Be sure to register for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to stay up-to-date with my latest posts.

© 2024 Ms. Feng Shui