Ms. Feng Shui

EMF in Feng Shui

While electromagnetic fields (EMF) occur naturally, they have been heightened by modern technology.  Any device that runs on electricity emits EMF, whether they are wired devices or battery powered.  For any of us living a modern life, electromagnetic fields are unavoidable.  We are almost always within a few feet of cell phones, computers, Bluetooth devices, and smart devices that are constantly emitting EMF, not to mention all the radio waves, television waves, cellular signals, and WiFi signals that are bombarding us from all directions.  Is that necessarily a bad thing?  What does Feng Shui have to say about it?

EMF is a flow of energy, but it is an energy caused by a spectrum of sources that vibrate at different frequencies to include the Earth’s magnetic field, electrical power, radio waves, cellular technology, microwaves, sunlight, x-rays, and even radioactive sources.  We already know for certain that some of these sources are harmful.  This is why those working with radioactive materials wear hazmat suits, you wear a lead apron when you get dental x-rays, and why it is recommended to apply sunscreen before spending time in the sun.

It would stand to reason that extended and close exposure to at least some other frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum may also have harmful effects.  A deep dive into the differences between ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation aside, there have been a variety of contradictory studies about the effects of EMF on the human body.  Then again, there were also several contradictory studies about the effects of smoking, asbestos, and leaded gasoline for decades before it was widely accepted that they were all bad for our health.  Just maybe Mother knows best when she says not to stand too close to the TV or microwave.

While Feng Shui deals largely with balance, it is also concerned with the flow of an energy called Chi.  In fact, Feng Shui literally translates to “wind-water”.  We look for ways to guide the flow of Chi energy for our benefit just as someone could guide the flow of water in a river to irrigate their farm while also preventing the overflow of the river from flooding their home.  While the ancient practice of Feng Shui may not have originally dealt with the electrical technologies of today, Feng Shui practices regarding Chi dealt with at least Earth’s magnetic field.  It is only the past few centuries that humans have discovered other EMF sources, from electricity to gamma rays.

In my personal experience and from the experiences of many of my clients, electromagnetism from everyday devices can have at least an anecdotal impact.  I’ve noticed, for instance, that sleeping with an electric alarm clock or a cell phone charging next to the bed negatively impacts sleep. In turn, that nighttime restlessness causes nervousness, fatigue, headaches, and reduced concentration during the day.  Some of my clients are also convinced that extended exposure to wireless devices and unshielded electronics have caused much more harmful effects on them.

I can’t say for certain that EMF is a cause of health issues, but I can make and do recommend minor daily changes to reduce the potential risk — just in case.  I don’t want to scare you or expect you to completely cut yourself off from technology, but even minor changes may be very beneficial in the long-term.  Here are some steps that I personally commit to and recommend to my clients:

Bedroom Changes

If possible, remove or significantly reduce all electronics around your sleeping area.  I recommend to all of my clients that they not have a television in their bedroom, for instance.  If you absolutely must have a cell phone in your bedroom, charge it during the day instead of next to you at night and set it to Airplane Mode or another feature to prevent or limit wireless signals (including cellular, WiFi, and Bluetooth) from emitting while you sleep. The only electronic devices I like to see in a bedroom are soft lighting and a white noise sound machine away from the bed.

Distance Yourself From Wireless Devices

At all other times, try to reduce your proximity to wireless devices like cell phones, WiFi routers, smart devices, etc.  Keep WiFi routers in the most remote area of the house that still provides a decent signal where you need it.  When working, keep your cell phone at least a few feet away instead of in your pocket or bra.  When you’re on a phone call, try to use earbuds (preferably wired Air Tube headphones) or the speaker function on the phone.  Limit or tuck away “smart” assistants, speakers, plugs, and bulbs, as well as other Bluetooth and WiFi-enabled devices.

Make Changes to Your Computer Desk

You spend a lot of time at your desk. Use wired devices instead of wireless ones at your computer workstation.  Whenever possible, opt for a wired mouse, keyboard, headset, printer, speakers, and network connection. With computer screens, keep your distance of at least a foot away, if not more.

Be Careful of Larger Appliances

Sit far from TV screens, just like Mom used to tell you, and don’t stand next to cooking devices like microwaves when they are running.

Insulate Electrical Wiring

Use shielded wiring when possible and shielded wire looms to wrap several cables together.  This not only blocks EMF, but also reduces the clutter.

Use House Plants

Use house plants to help absorb radiation.  While specific plants should be chosen for certain areas of the home or office for Feng Shui purposes, studies have shown that there are some plants in general that have been found to best absorb radiation.  These include cactuses, snake plants, stone lotus flowers, aloe vera, asparagus ferns, and mustard greens.  Learn more by reading my blog post about plants.

Take a Break

Take frequent breaks from electronic devices.  Ten minutes here and there during the day certainly helps.  Take some time to go on a walk, meditate, or have an electronics-free lunch or coffee break with your spouse or a coworker.  Take an even bigger break by taking a vacation to a place where you can completely disconnect for a little while to allow your body to rejuvenate.

Get an EMF Reader

Get an EMF reader to check the electromagnetic readings of the various outlets and devices in your home and workspace.  For an eye-opening intro to your new device, place the reader near a microwave actively running and pull the reader back slowly until the EMF reading eventually goes away.  You’ve just essentially measured the distance of the microwave’s electromagnetic field.  Do the same with other devices like your WiFi router, cooking devices, computer equipment, cell phones, Bluetooth headsets, smart devices, etc.  Some power outlets, fuse boxes, and wiring behind your walls may emit more EMF than others because of poor shielding around the wires and connections.  Use your findings to help you determine which devices and wiring to replace or further shield.  You’ll also understand how large the electromagnetic fields are around the devices you absolutely can’t live without so you can keep your distance, when possible.  Note that consumer-grade EMF readers won’t be able to measure longer-range EMF like radio waves, television waves, and 5G cellular, but we all know that they exist.  Otherwise, our radios, TVs, and cell phones wouldn’t work as intended.

Other Actions for Health

Besides EMF, Feng Shui deals with so many more situations that may impact your health and wellness, including homes at T-intersections, having a spiral staircase, sleep tips, and various bedroom layouts.  If you are particularly interested in learning more about how to Feng Shui for better health in your home and office, be sure to read my recent blog post about health and all about the Health Area of the Feng Shui Bagua.

Next Steps

Think of your home as an energy magnet and focus on bringing in things that will bring positive, fresh energy into your life. May you and your family have a home filled with health, happiness and abundance.

If you need guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m always available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better Feng Shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with Feng Shui.  Contact me today!

Notes: I’m careful to link to products that I use myself and recommend to my clients, when those products are necessary. I earn a small commission if you purchase through these links, which enables me to produce and publish free content for you to learn from.

How to Apply Feng Shui Design Principles to Cruise Ships

Cruise ships are floating cities that offer a unique blend of luxury and adventure, making them the perfect vacation destination for many people. But did you know that feng shui design principles can also be applied to enhance the overall experience on board?

Feng shui is a traditional Chinese practice that focuses on the balance of energy in a space. It is based on the belief that a well-designed environment can improve the quality of life and bring good luck and prosperity. The same principles can be applied to the design of a cruise ship to create a harmonious and comfortable environment for passengers.

One of the most important things to consider when applying feng shui to a cruise ship is the flow of energy. This can be achieved by creating a clear path for passengers to move around the ship and by ensuring that the layout of the ship is logical and easy to navigate. The use of natural elements such as plants, water, and wood can also help to create a sense of balance and harmony.

Another important aspect of feng shui design for cruise ships is the use of color. Certain colors have specific meanings and can evoke specific emotions. For example, blue is associated with calm and tranquility, making it an ideal color to use in areas such as the spa or relaxation rooms. On the other hand, red is associated with excitement and energy, making it a great choice for areas such as the casino or entertainment venues.

Feng shui design also includes the use of symbols and imagery that can enhance the overall experience on board. For example, the use of a ship’s wheel symbol can represent the journey and adventure of the cruise. Similarly, the use of imagery of sea creatures such as dolphins or whales can bring a sense of connection to the ocean and the natural environment.

Applying feng shui design principles to cruise ships can enhance the overall experience for passengers. By creating a harmonious and comfortable environment, using natural elements, appropriate colors, and meaningful symbols, the cruise ship can be designed to promote balance and well-being on board.

If you’re interested in applying feng shui design principles to your cruise ship, whether in the planning stages or looking for interior design help, contact me today. I will work with you to create a design that perfectly reflects the unique character of your cruise ship and enhances the overall experience for your passengers.

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