Ms. Feng Shui

Is Feng Shui a Scam?

Feng shui is a practice that involves creating harmony in your environment through the arrangement of objects, use of colors, placement of natural elements, etc. Think of it like ancient interior design with an Asian twist. Feng shui has been used for centuries as a way to improve well-being, promote prosperity, and create a positive living space.

Some people view feng shui as a scam or simply superstition. However, here are some things to consider about feng shui:

  1. Feng shui is based on ancient wisdom and principles. In fact, feng shui has its roots in ancient Chinese philosophy and has been practiced and improved for over 3,000 years. It is based on the idea that the environment has a profound impact on our well-being. By arranging objects and elements in a certain way, we can create a more positive living space.
  2. Feng shui has been scientifically studied. While much of the research on feng shui has been conducted qualitatively, there have been some scientific studies on the effects of feng shui on well-being and productivity. For example, a study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that people who worked in offices with good feng shui reported higher levels of satisfaction and productivity compared to those in offices with poor feng shui.
  3. Feng shui is a subjective practice. Like many other aspects of design, what works for one person may not work for another because everyone’s goals are different. It’s important to keep in mind that feng shui can be a personal and/or cultural belief. What feels harmonious to one person may not feel the same to someone else.
  4. Feng shui utilizes psychology. Feng shui uses the power of mental association to help you increase your surface area for luck. For instance, there has been ample research that shows that color can influence your psychology. As another example, people who surround themselves with imagery will often be influenced to behave in certain ways based upon that imagery.
  5. Feng shui principles often make practical sense. As an example, feng shui advises against living at a T-intersection where the headlights of approaching cars will disrupt your peace and where a car could quite literally crash into your home. Another example is the feng shui suggestion that you shouldn’t sit with your back to a doorway as doing so is stress-inducing because you are putting yourself in a vulnerable position. The command position, rather, is the suggested way to sit.

Feng shui is not a scam or a superstitious belief. Rather, it is an ancient practice that is based on ancient wisdom and principles that have been studied scientifically and just make practical sense. While it is a subjective practice, it can be a useful tool for creating a positive and harmonious living space.

If you are looking for a feng shui expert to provide custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui.  Contact me today!

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