Ms. Feng Shui

Stairway to Failure: Use Feng Shui to Fix Front Doors that Open to Stairs

This is a common issue I see in many homes.

Feng Shui Front Door Cures

About the only good Feng Shui in this home’s front door is the welcome mat!

Forces at Work
Having a front door open immediately to a stairway is going in the direction of financial failure, whether you are a home builder or a homeowner.

Here is the problem as it relates to Feng Shui: the gravity force of Chi energy coming down the stairs is greater than the incoming Chi from the door.

This symbolizes the loss of income and wealth, but also impacts all aspects of Feng Shui.  Whether you are the home builder or the homeowner, this is bad news.

Remember that the front door is always the Career & Life Path area of your home.

Feng Shui Cures
Now, I have solutions for home builders when I work with their designers.

But, what if you already own a home with such stairways or are seriously considering buying such a property where this is the only flaw?  Certainly remodeling to move the stairs isn’t practical.

The cure is to hang a crystal or a wind chime from the ceiling halfway between the base of the stairs and the front door.  The effect of this is to diffuse and spread the Chi as it comes down the stairs, preventing it from rushing out the front door with the incoming energy along with it.

By the way, the concern with the stairs is greatest when the distance between the door and stairs is less than double the height of the tallest person in the home.

Next Steps
Find out more about the Feng Shui consulting I provide for home builders and homeowners.

Have you noticed income problems in homes with a front door opening to the stairs?  Leave your comments below.

For more help, contact me right now to inquire about a Feng Shui Space Clearing or a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation

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  1. Christy says:

    We are in the process of purchasing a condo where the stairs leads to the house.
    It’s an upstairs unit, so our front door leads into the stairs of our home.

  2. Jim says:

    Is it good or bad to sleep with head to the stairs?

  3. Richard says:

    My wife is concerned about our spiral staircase facing the front door. We have a 20′ ceiling so a crystal or chimes are not good solution. It is 25′ from the doors which are heavy iron. A picture is worth a thousand words so maybe it isnt as bad as she thinks. She would like to place a wall at the doors to block but maybe that is yoo much and would ruin the esthetics of the entry.

    How do we send you a picture so you can see ehat we are concerned about?

  4. Diana says:

    Our front door and staircase is lined up and about 3 or 4 feet apart. What to do?? New home ….

    • Jessie Kim says:

      If you’re going to stay in the home with the front door and staircase aligned, then start by following the cures in this article that you commented on – use a wind chime or crystal to break up the energy flow.

      • Jay says:

        My door opens to stairs to go up to the bedrooms the roof is the up high the next level does it matter how low the wind chimes are
        Can I hand a pot plant fake one

        • Jessie Kim says:

          Hi, Jay! A crystal or maybe a wind chime between the door and stairs would be best. You can hang it as low as you want, as long as none of the household members hit their heads on it. I would avoid a plant there, even if it is fake. Good luck!

  5. Wendi says:

    Does the size of the wind chime matter? I have sweet tiny wind chime with a crystal hanging from the bottom.

    • Jessie Kim says:

      Hi, Wendy! Please don’t take this the wrong way but when it comes to wind chimes as they pertain to your home or office… size does matter! I suggest a six-rod windchime, the smallest chime being at least six inches in height. If you’re looking for something inside – hanging just between your door and stairs, a simple crystal ball will do the trick. Good luck!

  6. Cece says:

    Hi there. We live in an apartment complex on the 2nd level. The stairs to come up or down are directly in front of our front door and many people use them to get to their units as well. Should we hang a small mirror outside our door?

    • Jessie Kim says:

      Hi, Cece! That must feel like an overwhelming situation. Until you can get yourself into someplace new, there are a couple of remedies you can use. First, as you said, you can hang a convex bagua mirror above your door facing towards the stairs. Second, I suggest a red door mat outside your doorway. Be sure to reach out for a consultation when you’re looking for a new home. Good luck!

  7. Cece says:

    Thank you so much!! Same effect if it’s not above but on the screen door?

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