Ms. Feng Shui

Using Crystals in Feng Shui

Crystals have been used for centuries as powerful tools for healing, balance, and transformation. In Feng Shui, you can use crystals to enhance the energy of your space and to bring positive change into your life.

Here are a few tips for using crystals in Feng Shui:

  1. Choose the right crystals: Different crystals have different properties and energies. It’s important to choose crystals that resonate with your goals. Some common crystals used in Feng Shui include quartz, amethyst, and citrine.
  2. Place crystals in strategic locations: Where you place your crystals can have a big impact on the energy of your space. For instance, place hanging quartz crystals in areas of your home or office where you want to spread energy around, such as in long hallways, when your front door opens to stairs, above your toilet, or when your front and back doors line up.
  3. Cleanse and charge your crystals: Your crystals will absorb negative energy over time and can lose their potency. You’ll need to regularly cleanse your crystals to maintain their effectiveness. To do this, you can clean them with sea salt water, smudge them with sage, or recharge them in sunlight or moonlight.
  4. Work with the energy of the crystals: Each type of crystal has its own unique properties. When you work with the energy of a specific crystal, you can amplify its effects to bring about positive change in your life. Amethyst, for example, is often used to promote relaxation and clarity. Citrine is used to attract abundance and prosperity.

By using crystals correctly, you’ll enhance the energy of your space to bring positive changes to your life. Don’t overdo it, though.

If you need more specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui. Contact me today!

5 Feng Shui Tips for Creating an Environmentally Sustainable Home

In honor of Arbor Day, let’s talk about the environment and feng shui. When I consult home builders, I suggest that they incorporate environmentally sustainable practices such as the simple tips below that anyone can do. We’re doing our part to help the planet while also bringing positive energy and harmony to the living space.

Here are 5 feng shui tips for creating an environmentally sustainable home:

  1. Bring in natural elements. Incorporating natural elements, such as plants, wood, and stone, can bring balance and harmony to your space. They are aesthetically pleasing and can help purify the air – promoting a healthier living environment.
  2. Use energy-efficient appliances and lighting. In feng shui, wood elements represent growth and abundance. Choosing energy-efficient appliances and lighting saves money on energy costs and invites in abundance.
  3. Incorporate eco-friendly materials. When renovating or decorating, choose eco-friendly materials like recycled or sustainable wood, low-VOC paint, and organic fabrics. They are better for the environment and improve the energy flow in the home.
  4. Enhance the flow of water. Water is associated with wealth and abundance in feng shui. Use water features, such as a fountain or fish tank, to enhance the flow of water and invite abundance. Just be sure to maintain your water features using environmentally friendly cleaning products and practices.
  5. Use natural light. Maximizing the use of natural light in your home saves energy and improves energy flow in a space. Keep windows clean and open your curtains each day to allow natural light to enter your home.

By incorporating these feng shui tips, you can create an environmentally sustainable home that is better for the planet and brings in positive energy.

If you need specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui.  Contact me today!

Feeling Secure with the Command Position in Feng Shui

Do you ever get the feeling that someone is watching over your shoulder? Do you fear someone sneaking up on you? Maybe it’s as simple as the layout of your furniture. Feng shui can help.

I teach my clients that the command position is an important concept in feng shui because it influences the energy flow in a space. Simply, where you place furniture in a room will affect your sense of security.

In feng shui, you achieve the command position by positioning your furniture like your bed or desk so that you have a clear view of the entrance to the room. By doing so, you’ll have a greater sense of security and control. You’ll see anyone entering the room and will be less likely to get caught off guard.

In your bedroom, for example, your bed should be placed diagonally across from the door (not directly in line with the door), with the head of your bed against a solid wall. This allows you to see the door while lying down. It will also provide a sense of support from the solid wall behind you.

In your workspace – even your home office – be sure to place your desk so that you have a clear view of the entrance to the room. Again, try to have your back near a solid wall. This will help increase your focus and productivity, as well as reduce distractions and your feelings of unease. I’ll let you in on a secret – it also gives others the feeling that you’re in control.

Wherever possible, try to use the same key concepts with other locations where you relax and work. Think of how you can maximize the use of the command position in your workshop, living room, kitchen, and even your dining room. They call it the head of the table because you see everything from the command position.

In addition to furniture placement, other feng shui factors like lighting, color, elements, and decor can also influence the command position of your space. Make intentional choices by paying attention to these details so that you’ll feel supported, energized, and empowered.

Simple feng shui changes to your environment can have significant results on how you feel in your daily life. Once you understand and apply the concept of the command position in your own home and office, you’ll create a more harmonious and balanced environment that supports your well-being and success.

If you need more specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui. Contact me today!

5 Benefits of Feng Shui for Mental Health and Well-Being

Have you ever walked into a new environment and immediately felt relaxed and at home? Let’s make that our goal with your everyday spaces like your home and office.

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that focuses on the flow of energy, or qi, in a space. While it is often associated with physical objects in the arrangement of a room or building, feng shui can also have a powerful impact on mental health to improve your well-being. Here are five benefits of adding some feng shui into your home:

  1. Creates a sense of calm: Feng shui principles emphasize the importance of creating a balanced environment. When you align the energy in your space with these principles, you will create a peaceful atmosphere that helps promote relaxation.
  2. Increases feelings of happiness: Feng shui techniques that bring in natural light, incorporate natural elements like plants, and use colors that evoke positive emotions can help increase feelings of positivity in a space.
  3. Promotes feelings of empowerment: The command position in feng shui – the spot that allows you to see the door and have your back to a solid wall – can help you feel in control. This can be especially beneficial for those who struggle with feelings of insecurity.
  4. Enhances focus: Don’t you love to feel productive? A well-organized space can help improve your focus because it allows for an unobstructed flow of energy. Feng shui techniques that help declutter and organize a space can be very helpful for those who struggle with productivity.
  5. Improves sleep: The bedroom is an important area in feng shui. It is a place for rest. By using feng shui techniques to create a calming bedroom environment, you can improve the quality of your sleep to wake up feeling refreshed.

What are you waiting for? Start to incorporate some feng shui techniques into your home so you can create a supportive environment that promotes your mental health. Remember to have fun with it because the most important thing is to create a space that feels good to you so that it can support your well-being.

Are you starting to feel better, yet?

If you need more specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui. Contact me today!

Consumer Reports: Feng Shui Tips for Every Room in Your Home

I was just sourced for an article in Consumer Reports about feng shui. Here it is:

Feng Shui Tips for Every Room in Your Home

How to channel positive energy throughout your home and reinvigorate your life

By Perry Santanachote

It’s springtime, finally! For many people, that also means it’s time for spring cleaning. But if you haven’t already, consider also applying feng shui principles to your home. You don’t need to buy anything—all it requires is an intentional approach to your surroundings.

Feng shui (pronounced fung shway) is an ancient Chinese discipline that literally translates to “wind water” and focuses on how to optimize the flow of positive energy—known as qi (pronounced chee)—in your home. “It’s basically considering how energy flows through your house as water or air naturally would,” says Jessie Kim, a feng shui consultant in California. “You want your home to be a space where you can relax and retreat, and feng shui is all about creating that space to make you feel recharged and rejuvenated so you can tackle the world the next day.”

The theory of feng shui is that the layout of a home and the placement of objects can maximize energy flow and improve your health, prosperity, and luck. But it’s also about balance. Master Pun-Yin, a feng shui consultant in New York, says that in order to increase the flow of qi, the five elements—water, earth, fire, wood, and metal—need to be in balance with each other. Think of it like a yin-yang quality, but five ways. 

  • Water is tied to intuition, sensitivity, fluctuation, and the flow of emotions.
  • Earth represents practicality, stability, conservatism, and responsibility.
  • Fire is associated with action, passion, ambition, and courage. 
  • Wood symbolizes organization, growth, persistence, and creativity.
  • Metal assists with confidence, creativity, materialism, and making friends. 

“You might realize something is off if you’re lacking clarity, motivation, serenity, or success in life,” says Pun-Yin. A feng shui consultation can offer more personalized insights, she says, incorporating Chinese astrology and an individual’s inherent five-element profile, but a good starting point is to follow some general rules. 

Make Feng Shui Work for You

Talismans, such as dragons, tortoises, and laughing Buddhas, are associated with the commercialization of feng shui and are not necessary. “Unless you get to the root of the energy imbalance within your mind and your space, no crystals or tacky trinkets can alter your destiny,” says Pun-Yin.

“Just because you read somewhere that a golden toad is a great thing to have for prosperity, don’t have one in your home if you don’t like frogs,” says Kim. “Feng shui has to work for your personality and your décor. Creating a good feng shui space doesn’t mean it has to look like a Chinese restaurant exploded in your house.”

The things in your home should mean something to you (they should spark joy) and represent where you want to be in your life—kind of like dressing for the job you want. Some things from your past are fine to display, but don’t let them take over your space. “Be intentional about what you put inside your home and relentless with getting rid of junk,” says Kim. “Looking forward to the future will keep you growing as a person.”

Create Energy Pathways

Think of energy going through your home like a wind current or water stream. Look for potential blockages and leakages. One major leakage would be a front door that lines up with the back door. “You don’t want energy coming in the front door and immediately draining into the backyard,” says Kim. “You want that energy to meander through the house and refuel people living in it before making its exit.” Room dividers, bookcases, and tall plants are all great ways to divide up a room and create clear energy pathways.

Also, open the windows at least once a day to let in fresh air. “Make sure you get good circulation going,” says Kim. “Air conditioners, fans, and air purifiers are fine, but fresh air is better. And don’t let these appliances overrun your space or get in the way. Make sure they’re not blowing directly at you when you’re sitting or sleeping, too. It weakens your energy.”

Feng Shui Tips for the Entryway

Make an Entrance
Level up your front door, especially if you live in a condo or apartment building where yours is one of many. Kim says to make your door stand out so it attracts good energy by hanging a wreath or setting out a fun door mat. If your homeowners association doesn’t allow any fun, at least wash your door, making it cleaner and shinier than your neighbors, and make sure the numbers are clearly marked. “If people and qi can’t find you, it’s like good opportunities passing you by,” says Kim.

The front door is the energy portal to your home, says Kim. Proper entranceway feng shui will make it feel welcoming. Make sure the area is clean and clutter-free, as in no pile of shoes or packages. 

Set the Tone
The first thing you see when you open the door sets the tone for the entire home, so have pleasing objects on the major meridian positions to welcome you home with warmth and comfort, says Pun-Yin. These positions include the wall facing the entry, the corner diagonal to the entry, and the end of the hallway. 

Feng Shui Tips for the Kitchen

Safeguard the Stove
Kitchens are seen as the prosperity and health hub of the house. “You fuel yourself and your family in the kitchen, so you want to make sure your flame—in this case, the stove—is protected,” says Kim. “An open window or doorway next to a gas stove weakens the flame, and that’s less energy going into your food.” For the same reasons, you also want to keep your stove clean and in good condition.

Feature Fruit
Place a bowl of fruit in the middle of your kitchen island or dining table to attract prosperity and health energy to that space, says Kim.

Coordinate Your Cookware
Having cookware and small kitchen appliances in coordinated colors or textures tie together and ground the kitchen’s energy field, says Pun-Yin.

Feng Shui Tips for the Living Room

Rethink Your Seating Arrangement
Each room has a commanding position, which is essentially an anchor point that allows you to control the energy in the room. It’s always farthest from the door but not in line with it, so you should be able to see who’s coming without being able to see directly out the door. Your sofa and main chairs should be in this commanding position, says Kim. You want to avoid configuring seating that forces people to have their backs to the door. 

Soften the Edges
Remove anything with sharp edges or shiny surfaces that instantly get fingerprints and smudges on them. “The idea is to make this room soft, comfortable, and welcoming to your family and guests,” says Kim. “Make it conducive for people to gather, not like a sterile museum.”

Clear off the Coffee Table
A clutter-free coffee table is ideal, but if that’s unavoidable, Pun-Yin says to at least include something that soothes your mood. Fresh flowers or a plant, for instance, might induce good relationships in your life.  (Take note: Dried flowers and dead flowers will do quite the opposite. Fake flowers are better, but they’re still not emitting the same kind of energy that fresh blooms would.)

Feng Shui Tips for the Bedroom

Reposition the Bed
Avoid having your headboard under a window or on the same wall as the door. “You want to be in the commanding position, so make sure you can see the door without being directly in line with it,” says Kim.

Only Calm Energy Allowed
Bedrooms should only be for sleeping, resting, and reconnecting with your partner. Electronics, books, bills or paperwork, and plants—anything that produces active energy—should not be in the bedroom. (Plants become active at night to produce oxygen, so they’re considered active energy.)

Even for kids, make sure to create a space for them to recharge and rest so they can grow healthy. Kim says active items, like toys, stuffed animals, and video games should be in the living room or another playroom. If it has to be in their bedroom, put it in a cubby or a cabinet that they can close up and put away at night.

Be mindful of where you place mirrors in your bedrooms, too. Kim says to make sure your body’s not being reflected in the mirror while you’re sleeping because mirrors are constantly reflecting and moving, just like water. “When your body is reflected in the mirror, you’re basically next to a wave that it is constantly crashing into you,” she says.

Propagate Parity
“If you share a bedroom with a partner, create an even ground,” says Kim. “Make sure both bedside tables are the same size, and use the same light fixture. You want to create a balanced relationship of both of you helping each other out.”

Feng Shui Tips for the Bathroom

One-Way Traffic Only
“When you dump things in a bathroom, you don’t want anything to come back out—literally or figuratively,” says Kim. Keep bathrooms clean and keep your toilet lid closed. If it’s a bathroom that is not in use regularly, keep the sink drains closed. Some people put river rocks in the sink and shower to cover up the drain, but it’s still usable.

Clear the Air
Pun-Yin says to avoid stagnant and humid energy in the bathroom by using a dehumidifier. Alternatively, keep the door partially open.

Have Fun With It
“People tend to view the bathroom as the last thing to decorate, or they shut the door and try to hide it,” says Kim. “But it is there, so why not make it fun and exciting? Meaning, energetically colorful, bright, and sparkly. Make it a space that you and your guests enjoy as well. Make it part of your home.” Plants, paint, towels, and decorations are all fair game.

Feng Shui Tips for the Office

Be a Boss
Again, prioritize the room’s commanding position and place your desk there. “Try to avoid having your back to a window,” says Pun-Yin. “If you can’t, counteract the energy imbalance by placing a plant behind your chair or hanging a piece of jade from the back of your chair.” Jade is a stone that is believed to improve the balance of energy.

Keep an Eye on the Prize
Place objects that represent your past achievements behind you, preferably on a bookcase, and place something that motivates you in front of you, so you’re always looking toward the future. 


If you need more specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui. Contact me today!

6 Tips to Use Feng Shui to Improve Your Career and Finances

Feng shui can be a powerful tool to help improve your career, which in-turn can improve your financial success. By sprinkling a little feng shui into your home and workspace (even a home office), you can create a supportive environment to help you achieve your goals. Here are six tips that I often give on consultations for how to use feng shui to improve your career and finances:

  1. Activate your Career Area: In feng shui, the area of your home or office that represents your career as part of the bagua is located in the front-center of the space, just as you enter through the front door. To activate the Career Area, try hanging a picture or a painting of calm water that seems to flow into your home.
  2. Enhance your Fame & Reputation Area: The Fame & Reputation Area of your home or office is located in the far back center of the space when you enter through the front door. To enhance this area, add strong symbols like pictures of tall mountains, trees, etc. You can also use the colors of fire like red and orange. This can also be a great spot for other symbols of fire, like a fireplace or candles.
  3. Use the “command position”: In any room, the command position is the spot that allows you to see the door and have your back to a solid wall. You’ll feel more in-control and supported, which can be beneficial for your career, and thus your financial success. Try to sit in this position whenever possible, especially during work or study time.
  4. Keep your desk organized: A cluttered desk can block the flow of positive energy, which hinders your career and financial success. Make an effort to keep your desk organized to allow for a smooth flow of energy.
  5. Add symbols of success: Surround yourself with symbols of success, such as awards, certificates, or mementos of past achievements. You can even put up symbols of future success: pre-print that diploma or put up a fake Oscar award for now! They can help remind you of your accomplishments to provide motivation to continue striving for success.
  6. Invite in positive energy: Keep your home and office well-lit, which invites in positive energy. Open windows to let in fresh air and consider adding a water feature or plants to bring in a sense of abundance.

If you’re already familiar with feng shui, you might be wondering why I didn’t mention the Wealth & Prosperity Corner. We need to walk before we run. Be sure to get your career and basic finances figured out first.

Remember to keep an open mind. Have fun with the process so you can create some positive energy to improve your career and finances. The most important thing is to create a space that feels good to you and supports your aspirations.

If you need more specific and custom guidance to improve your space and your life, I’m available to help. Learn more on my website today and book a virtual consultation. Better feng shui can help you in profound ways on life’s journey.

I am a 3rd generation feng shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their homes and offices without making it look like a Chinese restaurant exploded.

I can help you attract the life that you deserve with feng shui. Contact me today!

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